时间: 2023-11-19 18:53:02 浏览: 476
Matlab的de2bi函数是一个将十进制非负正整数转换成二进制的向量的函数。它的语法为:B = de2bi(D)。其中,D是一个十进制非负正整数,B是一个包含D的二进制表示的向量。de2bi函数还可以接受其他参数,例如指定输出向量的长度和二进制位的顺序等。在实际应用中,de2bi函数常用于将数字信号转换成二进制码流,以便进行数字通信或数字信号处理等操作。
matlab de2bi
The MATLAB function de2bi() converts decimal numbers to binary numbers.
B = de2bi(D)
B = de2bi(D, N)
- D: Decimal input as a scalar, vector, or matrix.
- N: Optional parameter that specifies the number of bits to use in the binary representation. If N is not specified, the function uses the smallest number of bits to represent the input.
- B: Binary output as a matrix of 0s and 1s. Each row corresponds to the binary representation of an element in D.
Example usage:
>> D = [10 15 7];
>> B = de2bi(D)
B =
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
This code converts decimal numbers 10, 15, and 7 to their binary representation. The output matrix B has three rows, each corresponding to the binary representation of an input element.
matlab de2bi函数
可以将十进制数转换为对应的二进制数,其使用方法为de2bi(decimal_number, num_bits, 'left-msb')。其中,decimal_number是要进行转换的十进制数,num_bits是转换后的二进制数的位数,'left-msb'表示转换后的二进制数是从左往右排列的,即最高位在最左边。