"species": "Dog" "breed". "Labrador Retriever", "age": 6, "traits";" "eyeColor": "brown", "coatColor": "yellow" "weight": "137lbs"转为csv
时间: 2023-10-01 22:04:29 浏览: 90
"species": "Dog"
"breed": "Labrador Retriever"
"age": 6
"eyeColor": "brown"
"coatColor": "yellow"
"weight": "137lbs"
Dog,Labrador Retriever,6,brown,yellow,137lbs
>>> for filename in os.listdir(gene_tree_folder): ... # 获取基因树文件路径 ... gene_tree_file = os.path.join(gene_tree_folder, filename) ... # 读取基因树文件 ... with open(gene_tree_file, 'r') as f: ... gene_tree = f.readlines() ... # 读取物种树文件 ... with open(species_tree_file, 'r') as f: ... species_tree = f.readlines() ... # 重排基因树分支顺序 ... reordered_gene_tree = reorder_gene_tree(gene_tree, species_tree) ... # 构造输出文件路径 ... output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) ... # 将重排后的基因树保存到文件 ... with open(output_file, 'w') as f: ... f.writelines(reordered_gene_tree) ... print("基因树文件", filename, "重排完成,结 果已保存至", output_file) ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 11, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 6, in reorder_gene_tree TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
抱歉,出现了一个错误。看起来在 `reorder_gene_tree` 函数中出现了问题,导致返回了 `None` 值,而不是预期的基因树列表。
请确保在 `get_species_order` 函数中正确实现了获取物种树分支顺序的代码逻辑。如果你已经实现了该函数,请检查是否正确返回了物种树分支顺序的列表。
如果你需要进一步的帮助,请提供 `get_species_order` 函数的代码片段,以便我可以更好地理解问题所在。
"data": [ [{ "@module": "pymatgen.core.structure", "@class": "Structure", "charge": null, "lattice": { "matrix": [ [4.34157255, 0.0, 2.50660808], [1.44719085, 4.09327385, 2.50660808], [0.0, 0.0, 5.01321616] ], "a": 5.013216160673185, "b": 5.013216156734002, "c": 5.01321616, "alpha": 59.999999978449296, "beta": 60.00000000444201, "gamma": 59.999999976968624, "volume": 89.09109455639522 }, "sites": [{ "species": [{ "element": "Te", "occu": 1 }], "abc": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], "xyz": [2.8943817000000003, 2.046636925, 5.01321616], "label": "Te", "properties": {} }, { "species": [{ "element": "Ba", "occu": 1 }], "abc": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "xyz": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "label": "Ba", "properties": {} }], "@version": "2019.7.30" }, 98.58577122703691] 转化为cif文件
您可以使用 Python 中的 pymatgen 库来将这个数据转化为 cif 文件。请按照以下步骤进行:
1. 安装 pymatgen 库,可以使用 pip install pymatgen 命令进行安装;
2. 将数据中的结构和晶胞信息提取出来,然后使用 pymatgen 中的 Structure 类创建一个结构对象;
3. 将结构对象保存为 cif 文件,可以使用 to(fmt='cif') 方法进行保存。
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
data = [[{"@module": "pymatgen.core.structure", "@class": "Structure", "charge": null, "lattice": {"matrix": [[4.34157255, 0.0, 2.50660808], [1.44719085, 4.09327385, 2.50660808], [0.0, 0.0, 5.01321616]], "a": 5.013216160673185, "b": 5.013216156734002, "c": 5.01321616, "alpha": 59.999999978449296, "beta": 60.00000000444201, "gamma": 59.999999976968624, "volume": 89.09109455639522}, "sites": [{"species": [{"element": "Te", "occu": 1}], "abc": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], "xyz": [2.8943817000000003, 2.046636925, 5.01321616], "label": "Te", "properties": {}}, {"species": [{"element": "Ba", "occu": 1}], "abc": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "xyz": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "label": "Ba", "properties": {}}], "@version": "2019.7.30"}, 98.58577122703691]]
# 提取结构和晶胞信息
structure_data = data[0][0]
lattice_matrix = structure_data['lattice']['matrix']
species = [site['species'][0]['element'] for site in structure_data['sites']]
coordinates = [site['xyz'] for site in structure_data['sites']]
# 创建结构对象
structure = Structure(lattice_matrix, species, coordinates)
# 保存 cif 文件
structure.to(filename='structure.cif', fmt='cif')
执行完上述代码后,将会在当前目录下生成一个名为 structure.cif 的 cif 文件。