firwin2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pass_zero'
时间: 2024-09-30 07:05:11 浏览: 72
`firwin2()` 函数是Scipy信号处理库中用于生成等间隔线性相位 FIR(有限 impulse response)滤波器的一个函数。它通常接受多个参数,包括截止频率、采样率以及是否包含零频分量(即是否通过直流)。然而,你提到的 `'pass_zero'` 关键字参数并不是`firwin2()` 的标准参数之一。
在Scipy的`firwin2()` 中,如果想要控制滤波器是否包含零频响应,实际上可以用类似的方式调整滤波器的设计参数。例如,如果你想设计一个不含零频响应(高通或低通)的滤波器,你可以直接设置截止频率,如:
cutoff = 0.5 # 设置截止频率为一半的 Nyquist 频率
fs = 1 # 假设采样率为1 Hz
filter taps = firwin2(num_taps, [0, cutoff], fs=fs, window='hamming')
在这个例子中,`[0, cutoff]` 表示频率范围,`window='hamming'` 是窗函数的选择。如果你确实想明确表示不包含零频响应,可能需要查阅文档确认`firwin2()` 或者其他相关函数的确切参数名称,因为不同的库可能有不同的命名约定。
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument background_color
This error message usually occurs when you pass an unexpected keyword argument to a function or a class constructor.
In this case, it seems that you are trying to pass a `background_color` argument to the `__init__()` method of a class, but this class does not expect or support this argument.
To resolve this issue, you need to check the documentation or source code of the class to see which arguments it supports, and make sure that you are passing the correct arguments. Alternatively, you can modify the class to support the new argument if necessary.
make_classification() got an unexpected keyword argument '_redundant'
This error message indicates that the function make_classification() was passed an unexpected keyword argument '_redundant'. This means that the function does not have a parameter named '_redundant' and therefore does not know how to handle it.
To resolve this error, you can remove the '_redundant' parameter from the function call or use a different function that supports this parameter. Alternatively, you can modify the source code of the function to include a parameter named '_redundant' and define its behavior.