typedef struct { int* base; int* top; int stacksize; }SqStack;
时间: 2024-05-30 13:15:33 浏览: 189
This is a definition of a struct named SqStack, which represents a stack data structure. It contains three fields:
1. base: a pointer to the bottom of the stack, which is where the first element was added.
2. top: a pointer to the top of the stack, which is where the next element will be added.
3. stacksize: the maximum number of elements the stack can hold.
In C programming language, a struct is a user-defined data type that groups together variables of different data types under a single name. This allows the programmer to manipulate a group of related variables as a single entity.
c 语言顺序栈typedef struct SqStack { SElemType* base; SElemType* top; int stacksize; }SqStack; 怎么实现
1. `base`: 指向栈底元素的指针,初始化时通常是NULL,表示栈为空。
2. `top`: 当前栈顶的指针,当栈未满时,指向下一个将要插入元素的位置;当栈满时,等于`base`,表示栈已满。
3. `stacksize`: 表示栈的最大容量。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// 定义SElemType,你可以自定义这个类型
typedef int SElemType;
// 定义顺序栈结构体
typedef struct {
SElemType* base; // 栈底指针
SElemType* top; // 栈顶指针
int stacksize; // 栈的大小
} SqStack;
// 初始化栈
void initStack(SqStack* s, int sz) {
s->base = (SElemType*)malloc(sz * sizeof(SElemType));
s->top = s->base;
s->stacksize = sz;
// 入栈(如果栈不满)
void push(SqStack* s, SElemType e) {
if (s->top - s->base < s->stacksize) {
*(s->top++) = e;
} else {
printf("Stack overflow\n");
// 出栈(如果栈非空)
SElemType pop(SqStack* s) {
if (s->top == s->base) {
printf("Stack underflow\n");
return -1; // 返回特殊值,表示栈空
} else {
SElemType res = *(--s->top);
return res;
// 判断栈是否为空
int isEmpty(SqStack* s) {
return s->top == s->base;
// 判断栈是否已满
int isFull(SqStack* s) {
return s->top == s->base + s->stacksize;
// 释放栈内存
void destroyStack(SqStack* s) {
s->base = NULL;
s->top = NULL;
s->stacksize = 0;
已知堆栈的定义为typedef struct{ SElemType *base; SElemType *top; int stacksize; }SqStack,用c语言实现栈从大到小的排列
在C语言中,为了实现一个栈从大到小的排列,我们可以首先创建一个` SqStack`结构体,然后定义两个函数:`push()`用于入栈,`popMax()`用于弹出并返回当前栈中最大的元素。这里假设`SElemType`是可比较的整数或其他支持比较的数据类型。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
SElemType *base; // 栈底指针
SElemType *top; // 栈顶指针
int stacksize; // 栈容量
} SqStack;
// 函数声明
void push(SqStack* stack, SElemType value);
SElemType popMax(SqStack* stack);
// 入栈操作
void push(SqStack* stack, SElemType value) {
if (stack->top - stack->base + 1 == stack->stacksize) {
printf("Stack is full.\n");
*stack->top = value;
// 弹出最大元素(并更新栈顶)
SElemType popMax(SqStack* stack) {
if (stack->top == stack->base) {
printf("Stack is empty.\n");
return 0;
SElemType max_value = *stack->top;
SElemType temp = *stack->top;
while (stack->top > stack->base && temp > *(--stack->top)) {
temp = *stack->top;
*stack->top = temp;
return max_value;
int main() {
SqStack s;
s.base = malloc(sizeof(SElemType) * 5); // 初始化一个小栈
s.top = s.base;
s.stacksize = 5;
// 测试栈
for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--) {
push(&s, i);
printf("Push %d, Max on top: %d\n", i, popMax(&s));
free(s.base); // 释放内存
return 0;