left join on !=

时间: 2023-11-03 18:53:24 浏览: 32
在数据库中,LEFT JOIN 是一种连接操作,它返回左表中的所有记录以及满足连接条件的右表的匹配记录。而 != 是不等于的比较运算符,用于判断两个值是否不相等。这两者是不同的概念。 当你使用 LEFT JOIN时,你需要指定连接条件,将左表和右表连接在一起。连接条件可以是相等比较(例如使用 "="),也可以是其他比较运算符(例如 "<", ">", "<=", ">=")等。但是,"!=" 并不是 LEFT JOIN 的连接条件。 如果你想在 LEFT JOIN 中使用不等于的条件,你可以使用其他比较运算符,如 "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=" 等,这取决于你的具体需求。请记住,在使用这些比较运算符时,你需要根据你的数据和逻辑来确定正确的连接条件,以确保返回预期的结果。

left join on 1=1

left join on 1=1是一种特殊的连接操作,它将左表和右表的所有记录进行连接,而不考虑它们之间的任何条件。在这种情况下,连接条件被设置为始终为真,因为1总是等于1。这种连接操作通常用于生成两个表的笛卡尔积。 以下是一个示例,演示了left join on 1=1的用法: ```sql SELECT * FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON 1 = 1; ``` 这个查询将返回A表和B表的所有记录的组合,因为连接条件始终为真。结果将包含A表的所有记录,并将B表的字段设置为NULL。

SELECT u.*, g.group_name, l.name as level_name FROM eb_user u LEFT JOIN eb_user_group g ON u.group_id = g.id LEFT JOIN eb_system_user_level l ON u.`level` = l.id <where> <if test="nickname!=null and nickname!=''"> u.real_name CONCAT('%',nickname,'%') or u.phone = nickname </if> <if test="loginType!=null and loginType!=''"> and u.user_type = loginType </if> <if test="level!=null"> and u.level = level </if> <if test="groupId!=null and groupId!=''"> and u.group_id = groupId </if> <if test="tagId!=null"> and u.tag_id in(tagId) </if> <if test="cardId!=null and cardId!=''"> and u.is_promoter = cardId </if> <if test="country!=null and country!=''"> and u.country = country </if> <if test="sex!=4"> and u.sex = sex </if> </where>你把它优化一下,同时把优化后的代码给我

好的,我将对您提供的查询进行优化,并提供优化后的代码: ```sql SELECT u.*, g.group_name, l.name AS level_name FROM eb_user u LEFT JOIN eb_user_group g ON u.group_id = g.id LEFT JOIN eb_system_user_level l ON u.`level` = l.id WHERE 1 = 1 <if test="nickname!=null and nickname!=''"> AND (u.real_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{nickname}, '%') OR u.phone = #{nickname}) </if> <if test="loginType!=null and loginType!=''"> AND u.user_type = #{loginType} </if> <if test="level!=null"> AND u.level = #{level} </if> <if test="groupId!=null and groupId!=''"> AND u.group_id = #{groupId} </if> <if test="tagId!=null"> AND u.tag_id IN <foreach item="item" collection="tagId" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="cardId!=null and cardId!=''"> AND u.is_promoter = #{cardId} </if> <if test="country!=null and country!=''"> ***


帮我优化一下这个sql select e.id, e.mobile, e.encoded, CASE e.is_echo WHEN 1 THEN '已回传' else '未回传' END AS isEcho , e.order_no AS orderNo, e.pay_amount AS payAmount, e.operator_id AS operatorId, e.operator_name AS operatorName, e.operator_time AS operatorTime, e.remarks AS remarks, e.status, CASE p.pay_status WHEN 1 THEN '支付成功' WHEN 2 THEN '支付失败' END AS payStatus , CASE e.status WHEN 1 THEN '待支付' WHEN 2 THEN '已支付' WHEN 3 THEN '已退款' WHEN 4 THEN '订单关闭' WHEN 5 THEN '退款中' WHEN 6 THEN '退款关闭' END AS statusName, e.create_time AS createTime, u.id AS userId, p.pay_channel AS payChannel, CASE p.pay_channel WHEN 1 THEN '支付宝' WHEN 2 THEN '微信' END AS payChannelName , p.out_trade_no AS outTradeNo, e.third_party_channel AS thirdPartyChannel, info.return_amount AS returnAmount, info.return_phone AS returnPhone, info.return_name AS returnName from equity.equity_order_info e left join equity.user_info u on e.mobile = u.user_photo LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM equity.pay_message GROUP BY order_no ) AS p ON p.order_no = e.order_no left join equity.refund_info AS info ON info.order_no=e.order_no <where> <if test="mobile != null and mobile != ''">and e.mobile = #{mobile}</if> <if test="orderNo != null and orderNo != ''">and e.order_no = #{orderNo}</if> <if test="payAmount != null ">and e.pay_amount = #{payAmount}</if> <if test="thirdPartyChannel != null and thirdPartyChannel != ''">and e.third_party_channel = #{thirdPartyChannel} </if> <if test="outTradeNo != null and outTradeNo != ''">and p.out_trade_no = #{outTradeNo} </if> <if test="startTime != null and startTime != '' and endTime != null and endTime != ''"> and DATE_FORMAT(e.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(#{startTime},'%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(#{endTime},'%Y-%m-%d') </if> <if test="status != null and status > 0">and e.status = #{status}</if> <if test="userId != null ">and u.id = #{userId}</if> </where> ORDER BY e.create_time DESC

SELECT th.id hotelId, th.hotel_name hotelName, th.country_name countryName, th.city_name cityName, th.active, d.supplyclass as supplyClass, if(ISNULL(a.sort_rank),1000,a.sort_rank) sort FROM t_baseinfo_hotel th LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t_baseinfo_hotel_sort ths WHERE ths.org_code = #{orgCode})a ON a.hotel_id = th.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT hotel_id,GROUP_CONCAT(supplyclass) supplyclass from t_supply_hotel_mapping where 1=1 <if test="hotelId != null and hotelId != ''"> AND hotel_id = #{hotelId} </if> <if test="hotelIds != null and hotelIds != ''"> AND hotel_id IN <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="hotelIds.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="supplierCodes != null and supplierCodes != ''"> AND supplyclass IN <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="supplierCodes.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> GROUP BY hotel_id ) d on th.id =d.hotel_id WHERE th.deleted = 0 <if test="cityCode != null and cityCode != ''"> AND th.city_code = #{cityCode} </if> <if test="hotelId != null and hotelId != ''"> AND th.id = #{hotelId} </if> <if test="null != hotelName and hotelName != ''"> AND th.hotel_name LIKE "%"#{hotelName}"%" </if> <if test="active != null and active == 1"> AND th.active = 1 </if> <if test="hotelIds != null and hotelIds != ''"> AND th.id IN <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="hotelIds.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="supplierCodes != null and supplierCodes != ''"> AND th.id =d.hotel_id </if> ORDER BY sort ASC,th.id DESC

请帮我解释下面这段代码 <select id="listByUser" resultType="com.yj.model.vo.EnrollByUserItemVO"> select cc.*, cc.course_start_time AS courseStartTimeMd, ub.id ubid, info.payment_status as payment_status, info.total_money as totalMoney, ccc.category_name, CASE WHEN cc.course_video is not null and cc.course_video != '' THEN 2 WHEN (SELECT count(1) FROM crs_course_class ccc2 WHERE cc.id = ccc2.course_id AND ccc2.data_flag = 1 AND ccc2.class_video IS NOT NULL and ccc2.class_video != '') > 0 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS courseType from user_course_enroll ub INNER JOIN crs_course cc ON ub.course_id = cc.id INNER JOIN crs_course_category ccc ON cc.course_category_id = ccc.id LEFT JOIN order_item item ON item.project_relevancy_id = ub.id LEFT JOIN order_info info ON item.info_id = info.id LEFT JOIN user_browse uu ON uu.user_id = ub.user_id and uu.course_id = ub.course_id and uu.data_flag = 1 where 1 = 1 <if test="(publicId != null and publicId != '' ) or ( userIds != null and userIds.size() != 0)"> and ( <if test="publicId != null and publicId != '' "> ub.public_id = #{publicId} </if> <if test="publicId != null and publicId != '' and userIds != null and userIds.size() != 0"> or ub.user_id IN <foreach collection="userIds" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="(publicId == null or publicId == '') and userIds != null and userIds.size() != 0"> ub.user_id IN <foreach collection="userIds" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{item} </foreach> </if> ) </if> <choose> <when test="query.paymentStateList != null and query.paymentStateList.size() != 0"> and ccc.data_flag = 1 </when> <otherwise> and ub.apply_type = 1 and ccc.data_flag = 1 and ub.data_flag = 1 and ub.verify_state = 1 and cc.data_flag = 1 </otherwise> </choose> <if test="query.shelfStatus !=null"> and cc.shelf_status = #{query.shelfStatus} </if> <if test="query.categoryId !=null and query.categoryId != ''"> and ccc.id = #{query.categoryId} </if> <if test="query.learnState !=null"> and uu.learn_state = #{query.learnState} and ccc.prelect_way = 1 </if> <if test="query.paymentStateList != null and query.paymentStateList.size() != 0"> AND ( info.payment_status IN <foreach collection="query.paymentStateList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{item} </foreach> ) </if> </select>

SELECT t.id,t.order_number,t.registration_Time,t.inspect_unit,t.inspect_form,t.unit_type,t.unit_ids,t.unit_name, t.problem,t.ask_leave_ids,t.ask_leave_name,t.disposal_situation,t.catalog_id,t.street_name,t.check_street_ids,t.check_street_name, t.receive_Unit,sd.dept_name AS receive_Unit_Name FROM tb_duty_inspect_class t LEFT JOIN tb_sys_dept sd ON sd.ID = t.receive_Unit WHERE t.is_delete='0' <if test="model.unitType != null and model.unitType!='' "> AND t.unit_type = #{model.unitType} </if> <if test="model.inspectForm != null and model.inspectForm!='' "> AND t.inspect_form like '%'||#{model.inspectForm}||'%' </if> <if test="model.disposalSituation != null and model.disposalSituation!='' "> AND t.disposal_situation like '%'||#{model.disposalSituation}||'%' </if> <if test="model.beginTime != null and model.beginTime!='' "> and to_char(t.registration_Time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')>=#{model.beginTime} </if> <if test="model.endTime != null and model.endTime!='' "> AND to_char(t.registration_Time,'yyyy-MM-dd')<=#{model.endTime} </if> <if test="model.unitName != null and model.unitName!='' "> AND t.unit_name like '%'|| #{receiveUnitName}||'%' </if> <if test="model.checkStreetName != null and model.checkStreetName!='' "> AND t.check_street_name like '%'|| #{receiveUnitName} ||'%' </if> <if test="model.inspectUnit != null and model.inspectUnit!='' "> AND t.inspect_unit = #{model.inspectUnit} </if> <if test="key == null or key == ''"> ORDER BY t.id DESC </if> <if test="key != null and key != ''"> ORDER BY ${key} ${order} </if>中我该怎么使用获取到的receive_Unit 查询出我保存unit_name



深入理解mysql之left join 使用详解

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![matlab画柱状图](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/3f32348f1c9c4481a6f5931993732f97.png) # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** MATLAB柱状图是一种图形化工具,用于可视化数据中不同类别或组的分布情况。它通过绘制垂直条形来表示每个类别或组中的数据值。柱状图在信号处理中广泛用于可视化信号特征和进行频谱分析。 柱状图的优点在于其简单易懂,能够直观地展示数据分布。在信号处理中,柱状图可以帮助工程师识别信号中的模式、趋势和异常情况,从而为信号分析和处理提供有价值的见解。 # 2. 柱状图在信号处理中的应用 柱状图在信号处理

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![MATLAB柱状图在数据分析中的作用:从可视化到洞察](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/1a36558cefc0339f7836cca7680c0aef.png) # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** 柱状图是一种广泛用于数据可视化的图表类型,它使用垂直条形来表示数据中不同类别或组别的值。在MATLAB中,柱状图通过`bar`函数创建,该函数接受数据向量或矩阵作为输入,并生成相应的高度条形。 柱状图的优点在于其简单性和易于理解性。它们可以快速有效地传达数据分布和组别之间的比较。此外,MATLAB提供了广泛的定制选项,允许用户调整条形颜色、

