def se_block(input_tensor, compress_rate=16): channels = input_tensor.shape[-1] x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(input_tensor) x = Dense(channels // compress_rate, activation='relu')(x) x = Dense(channels, activation='sigmoid')(x) x = Reshape((1, 1, channels))(x) x = Multiply()([input_tensor, x]) return x解释一下这段代码
时间: 2023-11-08 12:03:54 浏览: 75
接着,通过Reshape函数将输出的向量转换成一个形状为 (1, 1, channels) 的三维张量。然后,通过Multiply函数将输入张量和转换后的张量逐元素相乘,得到加强了重要通道的输出。最后,返回输出张量。
class Partial_conv3(nn.Module): def init(self, dim, n_div, forward): super().init() self.dim_conv3 = dim // n_div self.dim_untouched = dim - self.dim_conv3 self.partial_conv3 = nn.Conv2d(self.dim_conv3, self.dim_conv3, 3, 1, 1, bias=False) self.global_pool = GlobalAvgPool2d() if forward == 'slicing': self.forward = self.forward_slicing elif forward == 'split_cat': self.forward = self.forward_split_cat else: raise NotImplementedError def forward_slicing(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: # only for inference x = x.clone() # !!! Keep the original input intact for the residual connection later x[:, :self.dim_conv3, :, :] = self.partial_conv3(x[:, :self.dim_conv3, :, :]) return x def forward_split_cat(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: x1, x2 = torch.split(x, [self.dim_conv3, self.dim_untouched], dim=1) x1 = self.global_pool(x1) x1 = self.partial_conv3(x1) x =, x2), 1) return x这段代码有什么错误
1. 类名应该以大写字母开头,应该将 `Partial_conv3` 改为 `PartialConv3`。
2. `super().init()` 应该改为 `super().__init__()`。
3. `self.forward` 方法应该在 `init` 方法中定义,在 `init` 中加入 `self.forward = None`。
4. `forward_split_cat` 方法中,应该先使用 `self.partial_conv3` 对 `x1` 进行卷积操作,再将 `x1` 和 `x2` 进行拼接,即应该将 `x1 = self.partial_conv3(x1)` 放在 `, x2), 1)` 之前。
5. `dim` 应该改为 `in_channels`,以更加清晰地表示输入张量的通道数。
6. `forward` 方法的输入参数应该改为 `inputs`,以更加符合命名规范。
class PartialConv3(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, n_div, forward):
self.dim_conv3 = in_channels // n_div
self.dim_untouched = in_channels - self.dim_conv3
self.partial_conv3 = nn.Conv2d(self.dim_conv3, self.dim_conv3, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
self.global_pool = GlobalAvgPool2d()
self.forward = None
if forward == 'slicing':
self.forward = self.forward_slicing
elif forward == 'split_cat':
self.forward = self.forward_split_cat
raise NotImplementedError
def forward_slicing(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# only for inference
x = inputs.clone() # !!! Keep the original input intact for the residual connection later
x[:, :self.dim_conv3, :, :] = self.partial_conv3(x[:, :self.dim_conv3, :, :])
return x
def forward_split_cat(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
x1, x2 = torch.split(inputs, [self.dim_conv3, self.dim_untouched], dim=1)
x1 = self.partial_conv3(x1)
x1 = self.global_pool(x1)
x =, x2), 1)
return x
class DownConv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, seq_len=200, hidden_size=64, m_segments=4,k1=10,channel_reduction=16): super().__init__() """ DownConv is implemented by stacked strided convolution layers and more details can be found below. When the parameters k_1 and k_2 are determined, we can soon get m in Eq.2 of the paper. However, we are more concerned with the size of the parameter m, so we searched for a combination of parameter m and parameter k_1 (parameter k_2 can be easily calculated in this process) to find the optimal segment numbers. Args: input_tensor (torch.Tensor): the input of the attention layer Returns: output_conv (torch.Tensor): the convolutional outputs in Eq.2 of the paper """ self.m =m_segments self.k1 = k1 self.channel_reduction = channel_reduction # avoid over-parameterization middle_segment_length = seq_len/k1 k2=math.ceil(middle_segment_length/m_segments) padding = math.ceil((k2*self.m-middle_segment_length)/2.0) # pad the second convolutional layer appropriately self.conv1a = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=hidden_size, out_channels=hidden_size // self.channel_reduction, kernel_size=self.k1, stride=self.k1) self.relu1a = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.conv2a = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=hidden_size // self.channel_reduction, out_channels=hidden_size, kernel_size=k2, stride=k2, padding = padding) def forward(self, input_tensor): input_tensor = input_tensor.permute(0, 2, 1) x1a = self.relu1a(self.conv1a(input_tensor)) x2a = self.conv2a(x1a) if x2a.size(2) != self.m: print('size_erroe, x2a.size_{} do not equals to m_segments_{}'.format(x2a.size(2),self.m)) output_conv = x2a.permute(0, 2, 1) return output_conv