时间: 2023-08-09 15:10:40 浏览: 283
% 输入参数
L1 = input('Enter the crank length: '); %曲柄长度
L2 = input('Enter the connecting rod length: '); %连杆长度
L3 = input('Enter the rocker arm length: '); %摇杆长度
L4 = input('Enter the distance between the rocker arm pivot and the crankshaft center: '); %机架距离
theta1 = input('Enter the initial crank angle in degrees: '); %初始方位角
omega1 = input('Enter the initial crank angular velocity in radians per second: '); %等角速度
% 将角度转换为弧度
theta1 = deg2rad(theta1);
% 定义时间范围和时间步长
tspan = [0 10]; %时间范围
dt = 0.01; %时间步长
% 定义初始条件
y0 = [theta1; omega1];
% 定义ODE函数
odefun = @(t, y) [y(2); -((L2/L1)*sin(y(1)) + sqrt((L3/L1)^2 - ((L2/L1)*cos(y(1)))^2))*(L1/L2)*(y(2)^2) - (L3/L2)*cos(y(1))*((L2/L1)*sin(y(1)) + sqrt((L3/L1)^2 - ((L2/L1)*cos(y(1)))^2))*(y(2)^2)];
% 解ODE方程
[t, y] = ode45(odefun, tspan, y0);
% 计算位置和速度
theta = y(:, 1);
omega = y(:, 2);
x = L1*cos(theta) + L4;
y = L1*sin(theta) + L3*sqrt((L3/L1)^2 - ((L2/L1)*cos(theta)).^2);
vx = -L1*sin(theta).*omega;
vy = L1*cos(theta).*omega + L3*sqrt((L3/L1)^2 - ((L2/L1)*cos(theta)).^2).*omega.*(L2/L1).*sin(theta);
% 绘图
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(t, theta);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Crank Angle (rad)');
title('Crank Angle vs. Time');
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(x, y);
xlabel('Horizontal Position (m)');
ylabel('Vertical Position (m)');
title('Motion of the Rocker Arm');