时间: 2023-06-14 17:03:17 浏览: 77
假设已经得到了苹果的 3D 坐标信息,使用双目立体相机拍摄得到的两张图片,则可以通过以下步骤得到苹果的圆心点:
1. 对左右两张图片进行校正和匹配,得到它们之间的对应点(即左右视图中对应的像素点)。
2. 根据双目相机的内参矩阵和外参矩阵,计算出对应点在左右两个相机坐标系下的 3D 坐标。
3. 对左右两个相机坐标系下的 3D 坐标进行三角化,得到物体在三维空间中的坐标。
4. 计算出苹果的圆心点,可以简单地将苹果近似为一个球体,通过球心坐标计算得到其圆心。
# assume that we have already obtained the 3D coordinates of the apple
# and the corresponding points in the left and right views
# (pts_left, pts_right)
# compute the 3D coordinates of the apple in the left and right camera coordinate systems
pts_3d_left = cv2.triangulatePoints(P_left, P_right, pts_left, pts_right)
pts_3d_right = cv2.triangulatePoints(P_right, P_left, pts_right, pts_left)
# convert the homogeneous coordinates to cartesian coordinates
pts_3d_left = pts_3d_left[:3,:] / pts_3d_left[3,:]
pts_3d_right = pts_3d_right[:3,:] / pts_3d_right[3,:]
# compute the average 3D coordinates as the apple's location
apple_3d = (pts_3d_left + pts_3d_right) / 2.0
# compute the center of the apple as the average of its 3D coordinates
center_3d = np.mean(apple_3d, axis=1)
# transform the 3D center back to image coordinates
center_2d = cv2.projectPoints(center_3d.reshape(1,3), rvecs, tvecs, K, distCoeffs)[0][0]
其中,`P_left` 和 `P_right` 是左右相机的投影矩阵,`rvecs` 和 `tvecs` 是相机的旋转向量和平移向量,`K` 和 `distCoeffs` 是相机的内参矩阵和畸变系数。