时间: 2024-03-22 11:39:35 浏览: 123
1. 创建一个名为Complex的Java类,定义复数的实部和虚部属性,并实现四则运算的方法。
public class Complex {
private double real;
private double imag;
public Complex(double real, double imag) {
this.real = real;
this.imag = imag;
public Complex add(Complex other) {
return new Complex(this.real + other.real, this.imag + other.imag);
public Complex subtract(Complex other) {
return new Complex(this.real - other.real, this.imag - other.imag);
public Complex multiply(Complex other) {
double realPart = this.real * other.real - this.imag * other.imag;
double imagPart = this.real * other.imag + this.imag * other.real;
return new Complex(realPart, imagPart);
public Complex divide(Complex other) {
double denominator = other.real * other.real + other.imag * other.imag;
double realPart = (this.real * other.real + this.imag * other.imag) / denominator;
double imagPart = (this.imag * other.real - this.real * other.imag) / denominator;
return new Complex(realPart, imagPart);
// getter and setter methods
2. 创建一个名为`complex.jsp`的JSP页面,用于输入两个复数的实部和虚部,并选择进行的四则运算。
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Complex Calculator</title>
<h1>Complex Calculator</h1>
<form action="result.jsp" method="post">
<label>Complex 1: </label>
Real Part: <input type="text" name="real1"><br>
Imaginary Part: <input type="text" name="imag1"><br>
<label>Complex 2: </label>
Real Part: <input type="text" name="real2"><br>
Imaginary Part: <input type="text" name="imag2"><br>
<label>Select Operation: </label>
<select name="operation">
<option value="add">Addition</option>
<option value="subtract">Subtraction</option>
<option value="multiply">Multiplication</option>
<option value="divide">Division</option>
<input type="submit" value="Calculate">
3. 创建一个名为`result.jsp`的JSP页面,用于接收来自`complex.jsp`页面的表单数据,并计算结果。
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@ page import="com.example.Complex" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Complex Calculator - Result</title>
<h1>Complex Calculator - Result</h1>
<%-- Retrieve the input values from the form --%>
<% double real1 = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("real1"));
double imag1 = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("imag1"));
double real2 = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("real2"));
double imag2 = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("imag2"));
String operation = request.getParameter("operation");
Complex c1 = new Complex(real1, imag1);
Complex c2 = new Complex(real2, imag2);
<%-- Perform the selected operation --%>
<% Complex result = null;
if (operation.equals("add")) {
result = c1.add(c2);
} else if (operation.equals("subtract")) {
result = c1.subtract(c2);
} else if (operation.equals("multiply")) {
result = c1.multiply(c2);
} else if (operation.equals("divide")) {
result = c1.divide(c2);
<%-- Display the result --%>
<% if (result != null) { %>
<p><%= c1 %> <%= operation %> <%= c2 %> = <%= result %></p>
<% } else { %>
<p>Invalid input!</p>
<% } %>