C++编程std::vector<BYTE> payloaddata(,)
时间: 2024-06-10 21:09:32 浏览: 245
std::vector<BYTE> payloaddata(10, 0); // 创建一个包含10个BYTE类型元素的数组,初始值为0
payloaddata.push_back(0xFF); // 向数组末尾添加一个BYTE类型元素0xFF
payloaddata.pop_back(); // 删除数组末尾的一个元素
payloaddata.clear(); // 清空数组中的所有元素
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <codecvt> // 如果你的编译器支持宽字符
// 使用std::wstring_convert将字符串转换为宽字符序列,然后转为字节
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
std::wstring wstr = converter.from_bytes(your_string); // 将std::string转换为宽字符串
std::vector<uint8_t> byte_vector(wstr.begin(), wstr.end()); // 创建byte vector,存储宽字符串的内容
std::vector<uint8_t> byte_vector(your_string.begin(), your_string.end());
std::vector<bool> is a specialization of the std::vector template class in C++ that is optimized for storing boolean values. Unlike the standard std::vector template class, which stores elements as contiguous blocks of memory, std::vector<bool> stores each boolean value as a single bit, packing multiple bits into a single byte.
This optimization allows std::vector<bool> to use less memory than a regular std::vector when storing large numbers of boolean values. However, it also introduces some complexity when accessing individual elements, as each boolean value must be extracted from its packed bit representation.
To make accessing individual elements easier, std::vector<bool> provides a specialized proxy class called std::vector<bool>::reference. This class acts like a boolean reference, but internally it works by manipulating the packed bit representation of the boolean value.
Overall, std::vector<bool> can be a useful tool for storing large numbers of boolean values in a memory-efficient manner, but it may also require some additional care and attention when accessing individual elements.