这个代码报invalid syntax错误 output_filename=os.path.splitext[]+"outpul.xlsx" 为什么要怎么改
时间: 2024-06-01 16:13:19 浏览: 63
这个代码报错的原因是 os.path.splitext 函数需要传递一个文件名作为参数,而在此处没有传递参数。此行代码需要改为:
output_filename = os.path.splitext("output.xlsx")[0]
这样,os.path.splitext 函数就能正确地获取文件名并返回文件名与文件扩展名元组,然后通过 [0] 取出文件名部分并赋值给 output_filename 变量。
import os import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal input_folder = 'G:/xianlinhotel/xlh632envi' output_folder = "G:/xianlinhotel/xlh_nir_rg_632envicai" target_width = 1230 target_height = 910 for filename in os.listdir(input_folder): if filename.endswith(".tif"): tif_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename) tif_dataset = gdal.Open(tif_path) if tif_dataset is not None and tif_dataset.RasterXSize == 1280 and tif_dataset.RasterYSize == 960: data = tif_dataset.ReadAsArray() x_offset = (tif_dataset.RasterXSize - target_width) // 2 y_offset = (tif_dataset.RasterYSize - target_height) // 2 new_data = data[:, y_offset:y_offset+target_height, x_offset:x_offset+target_width] output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") new_dataset = driver.Create(output_path, target_width, target_height, tif_dataset.RasterCount, tif_dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) geotransform = tif_dataset.GetGeoTransform() new_geotransform = (geotransform[0] + x_offset * geotransform[1], geotransform[1], geotransform[2], geotransform[3] + y_offset * geotransform[5], geotransform[4], geotransform[5]) new_dataset.SetGeoTransform(new_geotransform) new_dataset.SetProjection(tif_dataset.GetProjection()) for i in range(1, tif_dataset.RasterCount + 1): new_dataset.GetRasterBand(i).WriteArray(new_data[i - 1]) new_dataset = None # 关闭数据集以保存文件和释放资源 print(f"Saved {filename} to {output_path}") else: print(f"{filename} has invalid size or is not a TIFF file.") tif_dataset = None # 关闭数据集以释放资源 详细解释
import os
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
# 定义输入文件夹路径、输出文件夹路径和裁剪后的目标宽度和高度
input_folder = 'G:/xianlinhotel/xlh632envi'
output_folder = "G:/xianlinhotel/xlh_nir_rg_632envicai"
target_width = 1230
target_height = 910
# 遍历文件夹中的所有文件
for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
if filename.endswith(".tif"): # 如果文件是TIFF文件
tif_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename) # 构造完整的文件路径
tif_dataset = gdal.Open(tif_path) # 读取TIFF文件
# 如果TIFF文件存在且大小为1280x960
if tif_dataset is not None and tif_dataset.RasterXSize == 1280 and tif_dataset.RasterYSize == 960:
data = tif_dataset.ReadAsArray() # 读取TIFF文件中的像素数据
# 计算裁剪后的左上角坐标
x_offset = (tif_dataset.RasterXSize - target_width) // 2
y_offset = (tif_dataset.RasterYSize - target_height) // 2
# 对像素数据进行裁剪
new_data = data[:, y_offset:y_offset+target_height, x_offset:x_offset+target_width]
# 构造输出文件路径,并创建输出文件
output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
new_dataset = driver.Create(output_path, target_width, target_height, tif_dataset.RasterCount, tif_dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType)
# 设置输出文件的地理参考和投影信息
geotransform = tif_dataset.GetGeoTransform()
new_geotransform = (geotransform[0] + x_offset * geotransform[1], geotransform[1], geotransform[2], geotransform[3] + y_offset * geotransform[5], geotransform[4], geotransform[5])
# 将裁剪后的像素数据写入输出文件
for i in range(1, tif_dataset.RasterCount + 1):
new_dataset.GetRasterBand(i).WriteArray(new_data[i - 1])
new_dataset = None # 关闭输出文件以保存和释放资源
print(f"Saved {filename} to {output_path}")
print(f"{filename} has invalid size or is not a TIFF file.")
tif_dataset = None # 关闭输入文件以释放资源
label_name = os.path.join(self.args.label_save_path + self.args.weight_path.split('run/')[1], IndexError: list index out of range
This error occurs because the split() method used on self.args.weight_path returns an empty list, meaning that there is no string in the path that matches the separator 'run/'. As a result, when trying to access the second element of this list (which doesn't exist), the IndexError is raised.
To fix this error, you need to make sure that the separator used by the split() method matches the structure of your file path. For example, if the weight_path looks like "path/to/weights/run/weightfile.pth", you should split it using 'run/' as the separator:
label_name = os.path.join(self.args.label_save_path, self.args.weight_path.split('run/')[1])
Alternatively, you can add some error handling to check if the split() method returns an empty list, and handle this case accordingly:
split_path = self.args.weight_path.split('run/')
if len(split_path) < 2:
print("Error: Invalid weight_path format")
# Handle the error here
label_name = os.path.join(self.args.label_save_path, split_path[1])