时间: 2023-11-22 08:54:26 浏览: 164
function [x, fval, exitflag, output] = simplex(c, A, b, varargin)
%SIMPLEX Solve standard LP problems using simplex algorithm.
% [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = SIMPLEX(C,A,B) solves the linear programming
% problem:
% minimize C'*X subject to: A*X <= B
% X
% using the simplex algorithm. C must be a row vector, A must be a matrix,
% and B must be a column vector. The problem can have equality constraints
% (Aeq*X = Beq) but this requires the use of the 'Aeq' and 'Beq' options.
% The problem can also have upper bounds on the variables (X <= U) but this
% requires the use of the 'lb' option.
% specifies one or more of the following name/value pairs:
% Parameters include:
% 'Aeq' A matrix defining equality constraints. Default is [].
% 'Beq' A column vector defining equality constraints. Default is [].
% 'lb' A column vector of lower bounds. Default is [].
% 'ub' A column vector of upper bounds. Default is Inf(nvars,1).
% 'maxiter' Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.
% 'tol' Tolerance for stopping criterion. Default is 1e-6.
% OUTPUT is a structure with the following fields:
% iterations Number of iterations performed.
% message Termination message.
% EXITFLAG indicates the exit condition of SIMPLEX:
% 1 Maximum number of iterations reached.
% 0 Optimal solution found.
% Example:
% c = [-2 -3 -4];
% A = [ 3 2 1
% 2 5 3
% 4 4 4 ];
% b = [10; 15; 20];
% [x,fval,exitflag,output] = simplex(c,A,b)
% See also LINPROG.
% Copyright 2013-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
nvars = length(c);
% Set default values for optional inputs
Aeq = [];
Beq = [];
lb = [];
ub = Inf(nvars,1);
maxiter = 1000;
tol = 1e-6;
% Process optional inputs
if nargin > 3
if rem(nargin-3,2) ~= 0
paramStrings = {'Aeq','Beq','lb','ub','maxiter','tol'};
for i = 1:2:nargin-3
inputStr = validatestring(varargin{i},paramStrings);
switch inputStr
case 'Aeq'
Aeq = varargin{i+1};
case 'Beq'
Beq = varargin{i+1};
case 'lb'
lb = varargin{i+1};
case 'ub'
ub = varargin{i+1};
case 'maxiter'
maxiter = varargin{i+1};
case 'tol'
tol = varargin{i+1};
% Remove any rows of A that are all zeros
allZeroRows = all(A == 0,2);
A(allZeroRows,:) = [];
b(allZeroRows) = [];
% Add slack variables for inequality constraints
nIneqConstr = size(A,1);
slackVar = eye(nIneqConstr);
A = [A slackVar];
nvars = nvars + nIneqConstr;
% Add artificial variables for equality constraints
nEqConstr = size(Aeq,1);
if nEqConstr > 0
artVar = eye(nEqConstr);
A = [A; Aeq artVar];
b = [b; Beq];
nvars = nvars + nEqConstr;
% Add surplus variables for upper bounds
hasBoundConstr = any(isfinite([lb ub]));
if hasBoundConstr
nBoundConstr = nvars;
slacks = zeros(nBoundConstr,2);
slacks(:,1) = -eye(nBoundConstr);
A = [A; slacks];
b = [b; -lb; ub];
nvars = nvars + nBoundConstr;
% Initialize tableau
B = eye(nIneqConstr);
if nEqConstr > 0
B = [B zeros(nIneqConstr,nEqConstr)];
if hasBoundConstr
B = [B zeros(nIneqConstr+nEqConstr,nBoundConstr)];
c = [c zeros(1,nvars-nIneqConstr)];
tableau = [A b; c 0];
obj = c;
% Initialize iteration counter and set up display header
iter = 0;
disp(' ')
disp(' Optimal Infeasible Unbounded')
disp(' ------- --------- ---------')
% Main loop
while iter < maxiter
% Check optimality
if all(tableau(end,1:end-1) >= -tol)
x = tableau(1:nvars,end);
fval = -tableau(end,end);
if nEqConstr > 0
% Remove artificial variables from solution
artVars = nvars-nEqConstr+1:nvars;
x(artVars) = [];
if hasBoundConstr
% Remove surplus variables from solution
x(nIneqConstr+nEqConstr+1:end) = [];
exitflag = 0;
output.iterations = iter;
output.message = 'Optimal solution found.';
% Check for unboundedness
if all(tableau(1:nIneqConstr,end) <= tol)
x = nan(nvars,1);
fval = nan;
exitflag = 2;
output.iterations = iter;
output.message = 'Problem is unbounded.';
% Choose pivot column
[~,pivotCol] = min(tableau(end,1:end-1));
% Choose pivot row
pivotRatios = tableau(1:nIneqConstr,end)./tableau(1:nIneqConstr,pivotCol);
pivotRatios(pivotRatios < 0) = Inf;
[~,pivotRow] = min(pivotRatios);
% Update basis
B(pivotRow,:) = tableau(pivotRow,:);
% Perform Gaussian elimination
pivot = tableau(pivotRow,pivotCol);
B(pivotRow,:) = B(pivotRow,:)./pivot;
for i = 1:size(tableau,1)
if i ~= pivotRow
factor = tableau(i,pivotCol)./tableau(pivotRow,pivotCol);
B(i,:) = tableau(i,:) - factor*B(pivotRow,:);
% Update tableau
tableau(1:nIneqConstr,:) = B;
tableau(end,:) = obj - tableau(1:nIneqConstr,:)*obj;
% Increment iteration counter
iter = iter + 1;
% Display iteration information
if mod(iter,10) == 0
fprintf('%4d %15g %9g %9g\n',iter,-tableau(end,end),...
sum(tableau(1:nIneqConstr,end) < -tol),sum(tableau(1:nIneqConstr,end) < -tol));
% Max iterations reached without convergence
x = nan(nvars,1);
fval = nan;
exitflag = 1;
output.iterations = iter;
output.message = 'Maximum number of iterations exceeded.';
% Standard LP problem:
% minimize C'*X subject to: A*X <= B
% X
% with
% C = [-2 -3 -4]
% A = [ 3 2 1
% 2 5 3
% 4 4 4 ]
% B = [10; 15; 20]
c = [-2 -3 -4];
A = [ 3 2 1
2 5 3
4 4 4 ];
b = [10; 15; 20];
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = simplex(c,A,b);
fprintf('Optimal solution: '); disp(x)
fprintf('Optimal objective value: %g\n',fval)
fprintf('Exit message: %s\n',output.message)