时间: 2024-12-23 13:27:02 浏览: 3
Given an expression containing various types of parentheses, such as ( ), { }, and [], the task is to validate whether these parentheses are correctly matched and form a valid balanced sequence. A balanced sequence means that every opening parenthesis has a corresponding closing one, and no unmatched or improperly nested parentheses exist.
To accomplish this, you can use a stack data structure. Here's a basic approach:
1. Iterate through each character in the expression.
2. If the character is an opening parenthesis (i.e., '(', '{', or '['), push it onto the stack.
3. If the character is a closing parenthesis, check if the stack is not empty. If it is, pop the top element from the stack and compare it with the current closing parenthesis. If they match (e.g., ')' matches '(', '{' matches '}', etc.), continue; otherwise, the expression is invalid and return False.
4. If the stack is empty after iterating through all characters, but there are still some closing parentheses left, it indicates unmatched opening parentheses and returns False.
5. If the stack is empty at the end, the expression is considered balanced and returns True.
Here's a simple Python function demonstrating this logic:
def is_valid_parentheses(expression):
brackets_map = {
")": "(",
"}": "{",
"]": "["
stack = []
for char in expression:
if char in brackets_map:
if not stack or stack[-1] != brackets_map[char]:
return False
return not stack
# Example usage:
expression_1 = "(){}[]" # Balanced, so True
expression_2 = "({[})" # Unbalanced, so False
expression_3 = "[(]" # Unmatched opening, so False
print(is_valid_parentheses(expression_1)) # Output: True
print(is_valid_parentheses(expression_2)) # Output: False
print(is_valid_parentheses(expression_3)) # Output: False