initial begin
时间: 2024-04-28 20:24:35 浏览: 258
initial begin 是 Verilog 中的一个关键字,用于在仿真开始时执行一些初始化操作。在一个模块中,可以定义多个 initial begin 块,它们会按照定义顺序依次执行。
在 initial begin 块中,可以定义一系列语句,包括赋值语句、条件语句、循环语句等等。这些语句会在仿真开始时执行,通常用于初始化模块的输入、输出和状态变量等。
需要注意的是,initial begin 块中定义的变量只在仿真过程中有效,不会被综合到硬件电路中。因此,在实际设计时应该避免使用 initial begin 块中的语句。
//version:1.0 //date:2023/3/25 //author:521051910067 Wu Yifan `timescale 1ns/1ns module lab1_3to8Decoder_beh(en,abc,out); input reg en; input [2:0] abc; output out; reg [7:0] out; case(en) 0:begin initial begin out=8'b00000000; end end 1:begin case(abc) 3'b000:begin initial begin out[0]=0; end end 3'b001:begin initial begin out[1]=0; end end 3'b010:begin initial begin out[2]=0; end end 3'b011:begin initial begin out[3]=0; end end 3'b100:begin initial begin out[4]=0; end end 3'b101:begin initial begin out[5]=0; end end 3'b110:begin initial begin out[6]=0; end end 3'b111:begin initial begin out[7]=0; end end endcase end endcase endmodule优化一下这段代码
//version:1.1 //date:2023/3/25 //author:521051910067 Wu Yifan `timescale 1ns/1ns module lab1_3to8Decoder_beh(en,abc,out); input reg en; input [2:0] abc; output reg [7:0] out; always@(en or abc) begin if (en == 0) out <= 8'b00000000; else if (abc == 3'b000) out[0] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b001) out[1] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b010) out[2] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b011) out[3] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b100) out[4] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b101) out[5] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b110) out[6] <= 0; else if (abc == 3'b111) out[7] <= 0; end endmodule
Changes Made:
1. Converted "out" to a reg output for simplicity.
2. Used an "always" block to reduce the code length and complexity.
3. Removed the "initial" statements inside the "case" block. These are not required as the outputs are being continuously updated in the "always" block, thus there is no need for initialization.
'timescale 1ns/1ns module top; parameter PERIOD=10; reg clk; reg A1; reg A2; reg A3; reg A4; reg B1; reg B2; reg B3; reg B4; wire Y1; wire Y2; wire Y3; wire Y4; quad_nand_2U_quad_2( .A1(A1 ),.A2(A2 ),.A3(A3 ),.A4(A4 ),.B1(B1 ),.B2(B2 ),.B3(B3 ),.Y1(Y1 ),.Y2(Y2 ),.Y3(Y3 ),.Y4(Y4 ) ); //clk gen initial begin clk=0; forever begin #(PERIOD/2)clk=~clk; end end //gen A1 initial begin A1=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)A1=$random; end end //gen A2 initial begin A2=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)A2=$random; end end //gen A3 initial begin A3=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)A3=$random; end end //gen A4 initial begin A4=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)A4=$random; end end //gen B1 initial begin B1=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)B1=$random; end end //gen B2 initial begin B2=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)B2=$random; end end //gen B3 initial begin B3=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)B3=$random; end end //gen B4 initial begin B4=0; repeat(50)begin #(PERIOD)B4=$random; end end initial begin #(PERIOD)B1=$random; end endmodule