编写函数g = rgbRotate(f, angle),该函数将彩色图像f以其图像中心为原点逆时针旋转angle角度(不使用OpenCV的旋转函数)后赋值给图像g。
时间: 2024-05-12 15:20:01 浏览: 96
import numpy as np
def rgbRotate(f, angle):
# 获取图像尺寸和中心坐标
height, width, channels = f.shape
center_x = width // 2
center_y = height // 2
# 计算旋转后的图像尺寸和中心坐标
radian = angle * np.pi / 180.0
cos_val = np.cos(radian)
sin_val = np.sin(radian)
new_width = int(abs(width * cos_val) + abs(height * sin_val))
new_height = int(abs(width * sin_val) + abs(height * cos_val))
new_center_x = new_width // 2
new_center_y = new_height // 2
# 创建新图像g并赋值为黑色
g = np.zeros((new_height, new_width, channels), dtype=np.uint8)
# 对新图像进行像素遍历,计算对应旋转前的坐标
for y in range(new_height):
for x in range(new_width):
x0 = int((x - new_center_x) * cos_val + (y - new_center_y) * sin_val + center_x)
y0 = int(-(x - new_center_x) * sin_val + (y - new_center_y) * cos_val + center_y)
# 如果旋转后的坐标在原图像范围内,则将对应像素值赋给新图像
if x0 >= 0 and x0 < width and y0 >= 0 and y0 < height:
g[y, x, :] = f[y0, x0, :]
return g