Description: Write a program that prints a right-angled triangle pattern of stars using nested loops
时间: 2024-10-26 12:16:20 浏览: 37
1. **基于元素边距**[^1]:如果我们想要元素左对齐到父元素右侧,可以这样设计一个三角形,每个星号代表一行:
* *
* * *
2. **填充整个父元素**:另一种方式是让元素充满其父元素,然后通过调整内层元素的位置来构建三角形,比如这样:
for i in range(1, 5): # 从1开始以避免空行
for j in range(i):
print("*", end="")
Write a program that takes a list of strings and prints the length of each string using a for loop.
To write a program in C++ that takes a list of strings and prints the length of each string using a `for` loop, you would first need to declare an array or vector of strings. Here's a simple example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector> // Include the library for dynamic arrays
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> stringList = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}; // Declare a vector of strings
// Iterate through the vector using a for loop
for (const auto& str : stringList) { // Using range-based for loop for simplicity
std::cout << "Length of string \"" << str << "\": " << str.length() << std::endl;
return 0;
In this code snippet, we use the `std::vector` container from `<vector>` to store the strings. The `for` loop iterates over each string (`str`) in the vector, and we call the `length()` method to get the length of the string. The result is then printed to the console.
Write a Python program that asks the user to input a number and prints a Eiffel Tower of stars based on that number.
# 获取用户输入的数字
num_stars = int(input("请输入一个数字,将以此生成埃菲尔铁塔形状的星号图案:"))
# 设置每层星星的宽度
max_width = num_stars
# 初始化层数和当前层的星星数
level = 0
stars_per_row = max_width
for i in range(num_stars * 2): # 埃菲尔铁塔通常有三层,所以乘以2
if level == 0 or level == 2:
print(' ' * (max_width - stars_per_row), end='') # 对齐空白字符
print(' ' * (max_width // 2), '*' * stars_per_row, ' ' * (max_width // 2)) # 层间空隙
stars_per_row -= 2 # 每层减少星星数
level += 1
print() # 换行开始下一层