calling a private constructor

时间: 2023-12-10 17:39:01 浏览: 44
A private constructor in a class can only be called within the class itself. This means that you cannot create an instance of the class from outside the class using the new operator, because the constructor is not accessible. However, there are some situations where you may want to call a private constructor. One common scenario is when you want to implement the Singleton design pattern, where you ensure that only one instance of a class can be created. To call a private constructor in C++, you can use a static member function of the class. This function can access the private constructor and create an instance of the class. For example: ```cpp class MyClass { private: MyClass() {} // private constructor public: static MyClass* getInstance() { static MyClass instance; // calls the private constructor return &instance; } }; ``` In this example, the private constructor of MyClass can only be called by the static member function getInstance(). This function creates a static instance of MyClass and returns a pointer to it. Because the instance is static, it will only be created once and subsequent calls to getInstance() will return the same instance.


C++ defines a class DateV3 with the following: private member variables: int year, month, day; Has three constructors and one destructor as follows: The first constructor takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The second is the copy constructor that takes a DateV3 object as the parameter; The third is the default constructor that takes no parameter; The destructor takes no parameter. (3) Has overloaded operators: int operator-(DateV3 & oneDate); // return difference in days between the calling object and oneDate DateV3 operator+(int inc); // return a Date object that is inc days later than the calling object DateV3 operator-(int dec); // return a Date object that is dec days earlier than the calling object DateV3 operator++(); // overload the prefix ++ operator DateV3 operator++(int); // overload the postfix ++ operator friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& outputStream, DateV3& theDate); // overload the << operator Test class DateV3 in the main function as follows: Declare and initialize an object to represent today, which should be the date that you work on this assignment.Declare and initialize an object to represent your OWN birthday.Express John’s birthday given John is 5 days older than yours. Create Tom’s birthday by using the copy constructor, assuming Tom has the same birthday as you. Display how many days have passed since your birth, John’s birth, and Tom’s birth, respectively. Create an DateV3 object, someday, by cloning Tom’s birthday. Increment someday by the prefix operator ++ once, and by postfix operator ++ once.Display someday, today, your birthday, John’s birthday, and Tom’s birthday. Declare a DateV3 object to represent 28 February 2024, display it, apply the prefix ++ operator on it, display it again, and apply the postfix ++ operator on it and display it again.

Write a C++ program that defines a class DateV3 with the following: (1) private member variables: int year, month, day; (2) Has three constructors and one destructor as follows: The first constructor takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The second is the copy constructor that takes a DateV3 object as the parameter; The third is the default constructor that takes no parameter; The destructor takes no parameter. (3) Has overloaded operators: int operator-(DateV3 & oneDate); // return difference in days between the calling object and oneDate DateV3 operator+(int inc); // return a Date object that is inc days later than the calling object DateV3 operator-(int dec); // return a Date object that is dec days earlier than the calling object DateV3 operator++(); // overload the prefix ++ operator DateV3 operator++(int); // overload the postfix ++ operator friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& outputStream, DateV3& theDate); // overload the << operator Test class DateV3 in the main function as follows: (1) Declare and initialize an object to represent today, which should be the date that you work on this assignment. (2) Declare and initialize an object to represent your OWN birthday. Programming for Engineers C++ (3) Express John’s birthday given John is 5 days older than yours. (4) Create Tom’s birthday by using the copy constructor, assuming Tom has the same birthday as you. (5) Display how many days have passed since your birth, John’s birth, and Tom’s birth, respectively. (6) Create an DateV3 object, someday, by cloning Tom’s birthday. Increment someday by the prefix operator ++ once, and by postfix operator ++ once. (7) Display someday, today, your birthday, John’s birthday, and Tom’s birthday. (8) Declare a DateV3 object to represent 28 February 2024, display it, apply the prefix ++ operator on it, display it again, and apply the postfix ++ operator on it and display it again.

Write a C++ program that defines a class DateV2 that (1) Contains all the members in the class DateV1; Programming for Engineers C++ (2) Has two constructors as follows: One takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The other is the default constructor that takes no parameter (3) Has additional public member functions as follows: string getWeekDay(); // return the week day, for example, Sunday if day is 0, etc bool Leap(); // return if the year is leap int differFrom(DateV2& oneDate); // return the difference in days between the calling object // and the oneDate object void printDate(); // print the year, the month in English, the day, and the week day Test class DateV2 in the main function as follows: (1) Declare and set the objects today and tomorrow as in Problem 2. (2) Declare and initialize (by a constructor) an object to represent your OWN birthday. (3) Use the member function printDate to print today, tomorrow, and your birthday. (4) Output the weekday of today, tomorrow, and your own birthday. (5) Output how many days has passed since your birth (the difference between your birthday and today). Hint: i) We can use another string array to store the English name for week days (Sunday, Monday, through Saturday) ii) We know that it is Monday on Year 1, Month 1, and Day 1 iii) A good idea is to first design a function to compute the number of days that has passed since Year 1, Month 1, and Day 1, and then to use this function to compute the week day for a give date and to compute the difference between two dates. You can store the number of days for each of the 12 months in an integer array, which helps in counting the days.

帮我用中文注释一下代码:// // Multiple threads printing at different intervals. public class ThreadTester { public static void main( String [] args ) { // create and name each thread PrintThread thread1 = new PrintThread( "thread1" ); PrintThread thread2 = new PrintThread( "thread2" ); PrintThread thread3 = new PrintThread( "thread3" ); System.err.println( "主线程将要启动三个线程" ); thread1.start(); // start thread1 and place it in ready state thread2.start(); // start thread2 and place it in ready state thread3.start(); // start thread3 and place it in ready state System.err.println( "三个线程启动完成, 主线程运行结束\n" ); } // end main } // end class ThreadTester // class PrintThread controls thread execution class PrintThread extends Thread { private int sleepTime; // assign name to thread by calling superclass constructor public PrintThread( String name ) { super( name ); // pick random sleep time between 0 and 5 seconds sleepTime = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 5001 ); } // method run is the code to be executed by new thread public void run() { // put thread to sleep for sleepTime amount of time try { System.err.println( getName() + " 进入睡眠状态,睡眠时间是: " + sleepTime ); Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); } // if thread interrupted during sleep, print stack trace catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { } // print thread name System.err.println( getName() + " 睡眠醒来" ); } // end method run } // end class PrintThread

public class checkGpa extends JFrame implements ActionListener { static JButton backButton = new JButton("back"); JFrame frame = new JFrame("GPA"); Label averageGPALabel = new Label("average GPA"); JTextField averageGPAField = new JTextField(); Label weightedGPALabel = new Label("weighted GPA"); JTextField weightedGPAField = new JTextField(); /** * Constructor creates a JFrame and sets its properties. * Calls the PersonalReader method to read and display student GPA information. * Adds a JPanel to the JFrame and creates and positions various GUI elements. * Sets an ActionListener for the back button to return to the previous window. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading from the JSON file */ public checkGpa() throws IOException { frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(400, 300); // Create and set properties for JPanel JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); // Create and position GUI elements averageGPALabel.setBounds(10, 10, 20, 10); averageGPALabel.setBounds(20, 10, 100, 10); averageGPAField.setBounds(120, 10, 100, 10); weightedGPALabel.setBounds(10, 40, 100, 10); weightedGPAField.setBounds(120, 40, 100, 10); backButton.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); // Display GPA information by calling PersonalReader method GPA gpa = PersonalReader(); averageGPAField.setText(gpa.getAverageGPA()); weightedGPAField.setText(gpa.getWeightedGPA()); panel.add(averageGPALabel); panel.add(averageGPAField); panel.add(weightedGPALabel); panel.add(weightedGPAField); panel.add(backButton); backButton.addActionListener(this); frame.add(panel); frame.setVisible(true); }使用tdd改写



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MT5505机芯升级方法: 1、下载数据,压缩包解压,升级软件文件夹名字为Hisense_5505,文件夹下包含“机型名.pkg”以及version.txt 2、将文件夹Hisense_5505,整个文件夹拷贝至U盘根目录下 3、电视关机,插入U盘(USB3或者靠近高频头的USB口),重新启动电视机,电视机自动检测到升级软件之后并进行升级 4、在升级过程中屏幕有相关提示,升级完成后能自动开机。(建议是升级完成之后拔下U盘设备以免下次开机进行重复性升级) 注意: 1、(U盘要求使用FAT32格式,建议4G-8G的品牌U盘,刷机成功率会高) 2、升级到结束,大约需要8-30分钟,中途绝对不能断电 3、升级重启第一次进入系统,请等完全正常进入开机桌面之后,才能拨下U盘 4、如无法升级,将Hisense 5505文件夹内“机型名.pkg”的文件重命名为“upgrade.pkg”,此时插上U盘开机,电视就会默认为强制升级模式




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