def fitness_func(X): x = X[:, 0] y = X[:, 1] return x ** 2 + y ** 2 + x代码
时间: 2024-05-27 20:12:11 浏览: 108
def fitness_func(X):
x = X[:, 0]
y = X[:, 1]
return x ** 2 + y ** 2
# Note: the return statement should be x ** 2 + y ** 2, not x ** 2 y ** 2. The latter is invalid syntax.
def fitness_func(X): x = X[:, 0] y = X[:, 1] return x ** 2 + y ** 2 + x
** 3 + y ** 3
This fitness function takes in a 2-dimensional array of solutions, where each row represents a solution with 2 variables x and y. It computes the fitness value for each solution using the formula x^2 + y^2 + x^3 + y^3.
The fitness value represents the quality of the solution, where higher values indicate better solutions. The function is designed to encourage solutions with higher x and y values, as well as solutions that have a balance between the x and y values.
Note that there is a syntax error in the code provided, where the return statement is not properly formatted. The corrected code should be:
def fitness_func(X):
x = X[:, 0]
y = X[:, 1]
return x ** 2 + y ** 2 + x ** 3 + y ** 3
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.optimize import minimize from pygad import GA 读取数据 stations = pd.read_excel("附件 1:车站数据.xlsx") section_time = pd.read_excel("附件 2:区间运行时间.xlsx") OD_flow = pd.read_excel("附件 3:OD 客流数据.xlsx") section_flow = pd.read_excel("附件 4:断面客流数据.xlsx") other_data = pd.read_excel("附件 5:其他数据.xlsx") 参数设定 w1, w2, w3, w4 = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 目标函数 def fitness_function(solution, solution_idx): n1, n2 = solution D1, D2 = other_data["大交路运营里程"].values[0], other_data["小交路运营里 "].values[0] C_fixed = other_data["固定成本系数"].values[0] * (n1 + n2) C_variable = other_data["变动成本系数"].values[0] * (n1 * D1 + n2 * D2) T_wait = calculate_wait_time(n1, n2) T_onboard = calculate_onboard_time(n1, n2) cost = w1 C_fixed + w2 C_variable + w3 T_wait + w4 T_onboard return 1 / cost 计算等待时间 def calculate_wait_time(n1, n2): # 假设根据实际情况计算等待时间 T_wait = 0 return T_wait 计算在车时间 def calculate_onboard_time(n1, n2): # 假设根据实际情况计算在车时间 T_onboard = 0 return T_onboard 遗传算法求解 ga_instance = GA(num_generations=100, num_parents_mating=5, fitness_func=fitness_function, sol_per_pop=10, num_genes=2, gene_space=[(1, 20), (1, 20)], parent_selection_type="rank", keep_parents=2, crossover_type="single_point", mutation_type="random", mutation_percent_genes=10) solution, solution_fitness, _ = ga_instance.best_solution() n1, n2 = int(solution[0]), int(solution[1]) print(f"安排大交路列车开行的数量:{n1}") print(f"安排小交路列车开行的数量:{n2}")