时间: 2024-03-09 07:48:35 浏览: 139
要在 `px.funnel` 中给每个阶段加上转化率的值,可以使用 `px.funnel(df, x='stage', y='number', color='stage', text='conversion_rate')` 命令。其中 `df` 是一个包含阶段、数量和转化率的 `pandas.DataFrame`,`x` 是阶段的列名,`y` 是数量的列名,`color` 是阶段的列名,`text` 是转化率的列名。这样,在绘制漏斗图时,每个阶段的转化率就会在该阶段的标签旁边显示出来。例如:
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'stage': ['访问网站', '注册账号', '创建订单', '支付订单'],
'number': [1000, 500, 200, 100],
'conversion_rate': [100, 50, 25, 50]})
fig = px.funnel(df, x='stage', y='number', color='stage', text='conversion_rate')
px.funnel的name 'px' is not defined
This error message means that you are trying to access the attribute 'funnel' of an object named 'px', but the variable 'px' has not been defined in your code.
To fix this error, you need to first define the variable 'px' and assign it to an object that has a 'funnel' attribute. For example:
class MyClass:
funnel = "example funnel"
px = MyClass()
This will create an instance of the `MyClass` class, assign it to the variable `px`, and then access its `funnel` attribute to print "example funnel".
Make sure that you have defined the object correctly and that the variable name is spelled correctly in your code.
您可以通过设置 `textStyle` 属性来控制 px.funnel 中 `text` 的字体大小。例如:
option = {
series: [{
type: 'funnel',
data: [...],
label: {
show: true,
position: 'inside',
textStyle: {
fontSize: 14 // 设置字体大小为14
在上面的示例中,`textStyle` 中的 `fontSize` 属性被设置为 14,这会将 `text` 的字体大小设置为 14。您可以根据需要进行适当的更改。