python 将 ‘276000-404000 keV’ 转换成 decimal 格式
时间: 2024-05-01 13:23:44 浏览: 83
这里的字符串似乎是描述一个能量范围,可以理解成在 276000 到 404000 keV 之间的能量值。如果要将其转换为 decimal 格式,可以取该范围的平均值作为其代表值。
s = '276000-404000 keV'
start, end = map(float, s.split(' ')[0].split('-'))
average = (start + end) / 2
因此,该字符串对应的 decimal 值为 340000.0。
ubuntu kev2
It seems like you are asking about the command to use `pip` in Ubuntu with Python 2.7 or Python 3.2 since you have both versions installed and `python` points to Python 2.7 by default.
To install packages using `pip` for a specific version, you need to specify the version number:
1. **For Python 2.7:**
sudo apt-get install python-pip # If pip is not already installed
pip2.7 install <package_name> # Replace <package_name> with the package you want to install
2. **For Python 3.2:**
sudo apt-get install python3-pip # If pip3 is not already installed
pip3.2 install <package_name> # Replace <package_name> with the package you want to install
Since Python 3.2 is somewhat outdated, it's recommended to use `pip3` with newer Python versions. If you're planning to use more recent packages, you may want to switch your system to use Python 3 as the default or update to a more maintained version of Python 3.