时间: 2023-06-29 10:02:11 浏览: 349
%% Parameters
nelx = 120; % number of elements in x direction
nely = 40; % number of elements in y direction
volfrac = 0.5; % volume fraction constraint
penal = 3; % penalization factor
rmin = 2; % filter radius
ft = 1; % filter type (1 = mean value, 2 = density)
maxit = 100; % maximum number of iterations
%% Initialization
x = volfrac * ones(nely, nelx); % design variable (density)
xPhys = x; % physical variable (material property)
loop = 0; % iteration counter
change = 1; % change in design variable
m = nely * nelx; % number of elements
n = (nelx + 1) * (nely + 1); % number of nodes
% FE analysis
[KE] = elementstiffness(); % element stiffness matrix
[coord, edof] = mesh(nelx, nely); % mesh generation
K = stiffness(coord, edof, KE, xPhys); % stiffness matrix
U = zeros(n, 1); % displacement vector
F = force(nelx, nely); % load vector
[U, ~] = solve(K, F, U, []);
compliance = F' * U; % objective function value
%% Optimization loop
while change > 0.01 && loop < maxit
loop = loop + 1;
% Sensitivity analysis
[dcdx] = sensitivtyanalysis(K, U, xPhys, KE, coord, edof);
% Filter design variables
[x] = filterdesignvariables(x, ft, rmin, nely, nelx);
% Optimality criteria update
[x, change] = optimalitycriteria(x, dcdx, volfrac, penal, nely, nelx);
% Update physical variables
xPhys = x;
% FE analysis
K = stiffness(coord, edof, KE, xPhys); % stiffness matrix
[U, ~] = solve(K, F, U, []);
compliance = F' * U; % objective function value
% Display iteration information
fprintf('It.:%5i Obj.:%11.4f Vol.:%7.3f ch.:%7.3f\n',...
loop, compliance, mean(x(:)), change);
% Plot intermediate results
colormap(gray); imagesc(-xPhys); axis equal; axis off; drawnow;
%% Post-processing
colormap(gray); imagesc(-xPhys); axis equal; axis off; drawnow;
title(['Final compliance: ', num2str(compliance)]);