const expiryDate = { name: 'expiry_date', /** * Returns the earliest date that a credit card expiry can be * * @returns {String} expiry in MM/YY format */ _getMinExpiry() { const month = new Date().getMonth() + 1 const year = parseInt(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substr(-2), 10) return `${month}/${year}`.replace(/^([0-9])\//, '0$1/') }, /** * Validates that the given expiration is no earlier than the current date. * * @param {String} value - expiry in MM/YY format */ validator(value) { const targetValue = expiryDate._getMinExpiry() return Rules.after.validate(value, { targetValue, inclusion: true, format: 'MM/yy' }) } } 解释这段代码

时间: 2024-04-26 21:20:10 浏览: 14
这段代码定义了一个对象 `expiryDate`,其中包含了一个名为 `_getMinExpiry` 的方法和一个名为 `validator` 的方法。 `_getMinExpiry` 方法返回的是一个字符串,表示当前时间的最早可用的信用卡过期日期,格式为 `MM/YY`。具体实现过程与上一个问题中的代码解释相同。 `validator` 方法用于验证传入的参数 `value` 是否符合要求。具体来说,它首先调用 `_getMinExpiry` 方法获取最早可用的过期日期,并将其存储在 `targetValue` 变量中。然后,它使用 `Rules.after.validate` 方法对 `value` 进行验证。其中,第一个参数表示待验证的值,第二个参数是一个对象,包含了以下属性: - `targetValue`:表示比较的目标值,即最早可用的过期日期。 - `inclusion`:一个布尔值,表示待验证的值是否必须大于等于目标值。如果为 `true`,则待验证的值必须大于等于目标值;否则,待验证的值可以等于或小于目标值。 - `format`:一个字符串,表示待验证的值的格式。在这里,它的值是 `MM/yy`,表示待验证的值必须是 `MM/YY` 格式的字符串。 最终,`validator` 方法返回的是一个布尔值,表示待验证的值是否通过了验证。如果验证通过,则返回 `true`;否则,返回 `false`。

const expiryDate = { name: 'expiry_date', /** * Returns the earliest date that a credit card expiry can be * * @returns {String} expiry in MM/YY format */ _getMinExpiry() { const month = new Date().getMonth() + 1 const year = parseInt(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substr(-2), 10) return `${month}/${year}`.replace(/^([0-9])\//, '0$1/') }, /** * Validates that the given expiration is no earlier than the current date. * * @param {String} value - expiry in MM/YY format */ validator(value) { const targetValue = expiryDate._getMinExpiry() return Rules.after.validate(value, { targetValue, inclusion: true, format: 'MM/yy' }) } } 解释

这段代码定义了一个名为 `expiryDate` 的对象,它包含了两个属性和一个方法。其中: 1. `name` 属性指定了该对象代表的验证规则名称,为 `expiry_date`。 2. `_getMinExpiry()` 方法返回一个字符串,表示当前日期之后的最早的信用卡过期日期。方法内部使用了 JavaScript 内置的 `Date()` 对象获取当前的月份和年份,然后将年份处理为两位数的格式。 3. `validator` 属性是一个函数,用于验证给定的信用卡过期日期是否合法。该函数使用了 Vee-Validate 插件中的 `Rules.after.validate()` 方法,将传入的 `value` 参数与 `_getMinExpiry()` 方法返回的最早过期日期进行比较,确保传入的日期不早于最早过期日期。 `validator` 函数的参数 `value` 应该是一个形如 `MM/YY` 的字符串,表示信用卡过期的月份和年份。如果传入的日期早于最早过期日期,该函数会返回一个错误提示信息。

给下列程序添加英文注释:namespace nav_core { /** * @class BaseGlobalPlanner * @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation. All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. / class BaseGlobalPlanner{ public: /* * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise / virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0; /* * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @param cost The plans calculated cost * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise / virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, double& cost) { cost = 0; return makePlan(start, goal, plan); } /* * @brief Initialization function for the BaseGlobalPlanner * @param name The name of this planner * @param costmap_ros A pointer to the ROS wrapper of the costmap to use for planning / virtual void initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS costmap_ros) = 0; /** * @brief Virtual destructor for the interface */ virtual ~BaseGlobalPlanner(){} protected: BaseGlobalPlanner(){} }; }; // namespace nav_core #endif // NAV_CORE_BASE_GLOBAL_PLANNER_H

/** * @file base_global_planner.h * @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation. * All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. */ namespace nav_core { /** * @class BaseGlobalPlanner * @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation. * All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. */ class BaseGlobalPlanner{ public: /** * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise */ virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0; /** * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @param cost The plans calculated cost * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise */ virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, double& cost) { cost = 0; return makePlan(start, goal, plan); } /** * @brief Initialization function for the BaseGlobalPlanner * @param name The name of this planner * @param costmap_ros A pointer to the ROS wrapper of the costmap to use for planning */ virtual void initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS costmap_ros) = 0; /** * @brief Virtual destructor for the interface */ virtual ~BaseGlobalPlanner(){} protected: BaseGlobalPlanner(){} }; }; // namespace nav_core #endif // NAV_CORE_BASE_GLOBAL_PLANNER_H


给下列程序添加注释namespace nav_core { /** * @class BaseGlobalPlanner * @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation. All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. */ class BaseGlobalPlanner{ public: /** * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise */ virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0; /** * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @param cost The plans calculated cost * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise */ virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, double& cost) { cost = 0; return makePlan(start, goal, plan); } /** * @brief Initialization function for the BaseGlobalPlanner * @param name The name of this planner * @param costmap_ros A pointer to the ROS wrapper of the costmap to use for planning */ virtual void initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros) = 0; /** * @brief Virtual destructor for the interface */ virtual ~BaseGlobalPlanner(){} protected: BaseGlobalPlanner(){} }; }; // namespace nav_core #endif // NAV_CORE_BASE_GLOBAL_PLANNER_H

ulint* rec_get_offsets_func( /*=================*/ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: physical record */ const dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: record descriptor */ ulint* offsets,/*!< in/out: array consisting of offsets[0] allocated elements, or an array from rec_get_offsets(), or NULL */ ulint n_fields,/*!< in: maximum number of initialized fields (ULINT_UNDEFINED if all fields) */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG const char* file, /*!< in: file name where called */ ulint line, /*!< in: line number where called */ #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ mem_heap_t** heap) /*!< in/out: memory heap */ { ulint n; ulint size; ut_ad(rec); ut_ad(index); ut_ad(heap); if (dict_table_is_comp(index->table)) { switch (UNIV_EXPECT(rec_get_status(rec), REC_STATUS_ORDINARY)) { case REC_STATUS_ORDINARY: n = dict_index_get_n_fields(index); break; case REC_STATUS_NODE_PTR: /* Node pointer records consist of the uniquely identifying fields of the record followed by a child page number field. */ n = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree_nonleaf(index) + 1; break; case REC_STATUS_INFIMUM: case REC_STATUS_SUPREMUM: /* infimum or supremum record */ n = 1; break; default: ut_error; return(NULL); } } else { n = rec_get_n_fields_old(rec); } if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(n_fields < n)) { n = n_fields; } /* The offsets header consists of the allocation size at offsets[0] and the REC_OFFS_HEADER_SIZE bytes. */ size = n + (1 + REC_OFFS_HEADER_SIZE); if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!offsets) || UNIV_UNLIKELY(rec_offs_get_n_alloc(offsets) < size)) { if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!*heap)) { *heap = mem_heap_create_at(size * sizeof(ulint), file, line); } offsets = static_cast( mem_heap_alloc(*heap, size * sizeof(ulint))); rec_offs_set_n_alloc(offsets, size); } rec_offs_set_n_fields(offsets, n); rec_init_offsets(rec, index, offsets); return(offsets); }帮我以注释的形式解释下这段代码吧

#include<iostream> #include<ctime> #include<chrono> #include<string> #include<filesystem> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<thread> #include<boost/filesystem.hpp> const uintmax_t MAX_LOGS_SIZE = 10ull * 1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull; //const uintmax_t MAX_LOGS_SIZE = 10ull; void create_folder(std::string folder_name) { boost::filesystem::create_directory(folder_name); std::string sub_foldername=folder_name+"/logs_ros"; boost::filesystem::create_directory(sub_foldername); } std::string get_current_time() { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::time_t now_c = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); std::tm parts = *std::localtime(&now_c); char buffer[20]; std::strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", &parts); return buffer; } void check_logs_size() { std::string logs_path = "/home/sage/logs/"; boost::filesystem::path logs_dir(logs_path); std::uintmax_t total_size = 0; for (const auto& file : boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(logs_dir)) { if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(file)) { total_size += boost::filesystem::file_size(file); } } if (total_size > MAX_LOGS_SIZE) { boost::filesystem::path earliest_dir; std::time_t earliest_time = std::time(nullptr); for (const auto& dir : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(logs_dir)) { if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(dir)) { std::string dir_name = dir.path().filename().string(); std::tm time_parts = {}; std::istringstream ss(dir_name); std::string part; std::getline(ss, part, '-'); time_parts.tm_year = std::stoi(part) - 1900; std::getline(ss, part, '-'); time_parts.tm_mon = std::stoi(part) - 1; std::getline(ss, part, '-'); time_parts.tm_mday = std::stoi(part); std::getline(ss, part, '-'); time_parts.tm_hour = std::stoi(part); std::getline(ss, part, '-'); time_parts.tm_min = std::stoi(part); std::time_t dir_time = std::mktime(&time_parts); if (dir_time < earliest_time) { earliest_time = dir_time; earliest_dir = dir.path(); } } } if (!earliest_dir.empty()) { boost::filesystem::remove_all(earliest_dir); } } } int main() { std::string logs_path = "/home/sage/logs/"; while (true) { std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::time_t now_c = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); std::tm parts = *std::localtime(&now_c); if (parts.tm_min % 10 == 0) { std::string folder_name = logs_path + get_current_time(); create_folder(folder_name); } check_logs_size(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::minutes(1)); } return 0; }修改为ros节点

分析下列程序的运行namespace nav_core { /** * @class BaseLocalPlanner * @brief Provides an interface for local planners used in navigation. All local planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. / class BaseLocalPlanner{ public: /* * @brief Given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot, compute velocity commands to send to the base * @param cmd_vel Will be filled with the velocity command to be passed to the robot base * @return True if a valid velocity command was found, false otherwise / virtual bool computeVelocityCommands(geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel) = 0; /* * @brief Check if the goal pose has been achieved by the local planner * @return True if achieved, false otherwise / virtual bool isGoalReached() = 0; /* * @brief Set the plan that the local planner is following * @param plan The plan to pass to the local planner * @return True if the plan was updated successfully, false otherwise / virtual bool setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0; /* * @brief Constructs the local planner * @param name The name to give this instance of the local planner * @param tf A pointer to a transform listener * @param costmap_ros The cost map to use for assigning costs to local plans / virtual void initialize(std::string name, tf2_ros::Buffer tf, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros) = 0; /** * @brief Virtual destructor for the interface */ virtual ~BaseLocalPlanner(){} protected: BaseLocalPlanner(){} }; }; // namespace nav_core #endif // NAV_CORE_BASE_LOCAL_PLANNER_H

解释代码void LedOn(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin) { GPIOx->PBSC = Pin; } /** * @brief Turns selected Led Off. * @param GPIOx x can be A to G to select the GPIO port. * @param Pin This parameter can be GPIO_PIN_0~GPIO_PIN_15. */ void LedOff(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin) { GPIOx->PBC = Pin; } /** * @brief Turns selected Led on or off. * @param GPIOx x can be A to G to select the GPIO port. * @param Pin This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg GPIO_PIN_0~GPIO_PIN_15: set related pin on * @arg (GPIO_PIN_0<<16)~(GPIO_PIN_15<<16): clear related pin off */ void LedOnOff(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint32_t Pin) { GPIOx->PBSC = Pin; } /** * @brief Toggles the selected Led. * @param GPIOx x can be A to G to select the GPIO port. * @param Pin This parameter can be GPIO_PIN_0~GPIO_PIN_15. */ void LedBlink(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin) { GPIOx->POD ^= Pin; } /** * @brief Assert failed function by user. * @param file The name of the call that failed. * @param line The source line number of the call that failed. */ #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT void assert_failed(const uint8_t* expr, const uint8_t* file, uint32_t line) { while (1) { } } #endif // USE_FULL_ASSERT /** * @brief Main program. */ int main(void) { /*SystemInit() function has been called by startup file startup_n32g45x.s*/ /* Initialize Led1~Led5 as output pushpull mode*/ LedInit(PORT_GROUP1, LED1_PIN | LED2_PIN); LedInit(PORT_GROUP2, LED3_PIN | LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN); /*Turn on Led1*/ LedOn(PORT_GROUP1, LED1_PIN); while (1) { /*LED1_PORT and LED2_PORT are the same port group.Enable Led2 blink and not effect Led1 by Exclusive-OR * operation.*/ LedBlink(PORT_GROUP1, LED2_PIN); /*LED3_PORT, LED4_PORT and LED5_PORT are the same port group.*/ /*Turn Led4 and Led5 off and not effect other ports by PBC register,correspond to * PORT_GROUP2->POD&=~(LED4_PIN|LED5_PIN);*/ LedOff(PORT_GROUP2, LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN); /* Insert delay */ Delay(0x28FFFF); /*Turn Led4 and Led5 on,turn Led3 off and not effect other ports by PBSC register,correspond to * PORT_GROUP2->POD&=~(LED3_PIN),then PORT_GROUP2->POD|=(LED4_PIN|LED5_PIN);*/ LedOnOff(PORT_GROUP2, (LED3_PIN << 16) | LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN); /* Insert delay */ Delay(0x28FFFF); /*Turn on Led3*/ LedOn(PORT_GROUP2, LED3_PIN); /* Insert delay */ Delay(0x28FFFF); } }

分析这个结构体具体分析这个结构体 具体解释这个结构体 struct dp_netdev_flow { const struct flow flow; /* Unmasked flow that created this entry. */ /* Hash table index by unmasked flow. */ const struct cmap_node node; /* In owning dp_netdev_pmd_thread's */ /* 'flow_table'. */ const struct cmap_node mark_node; /* In owning flow_mark's mark_to_flow */ const ovs_u128 ufid; /* Unique flow identifier. */ const ovs_u128 mega_ufid; /* Unique mega flow identifier. */ const unsigned pmd_id; /* The 'core_id' of pmd thread owning this */ /* flow. */ /* Number of references. * The classifier owns one reference. * Any thread trying to keep a rule from being freed should hold its own * reference. */ struct ovs_refcount ref_cnt; bool dead; uint32_t mark; /* Unique flow mark assigned to a flow */ /* Statistics. */ struct dp_netdev_flow_stats stats; /* Statistics and attributes received from the netdev offload provider. */ atomic_int netdev_flow_get_result; struct dp_netdev_flow_stats last_stats; struct dp_netdev_flow_attrs last_attrs; /* Actions. */ OVSRCU_TYPE(struct dp_netdev_actions *) actions; /* While processing a group of input packets, the datapath uses the next * member to store a pointer to the output batch for the flow. It is * reset after the batch has been sent out (See dp_netdev_queue_batches(), * packet_batch_per_flow_init() and packet_batch_per_flow_execute()). */ struct packet_batch_per_flow *batch; /* Packet classification. */ char *dp_extra_info; /* String to return in a flow dump/get. */ struct dpcls_rule cr; /* In owning dp_netdev's 'cls'. */ /* 'cr' must be the last member. */ };



const用法 const int *a; int * const a;

const char* pCh; // 指向字符串常量的指针; 表示pch是一个指针,指向字符串常量。根据需要还可以指向另一个字符串。 但字符串不能被改变。 char* const pCh; // 指向字符串的常量指针; 表示pch是一个字符串常...


在C++编程语言中,创建自定义的日期类(Date类)是一种常见的需求,用于处理日期相关的操作。下面我们将深入探讨如何实现一个简单的Date类,包括其构造函数、运算符重载以及辅助方法。 首先,Date类通常包含年(_year)...

BSC绩效考核指标汇总 (2).docx

BSC(Balanced Scorecard,平衡计分卡)是一种战略绩效管理系统,它将企业的绩效评估从传统的财务维度扩展到非财务领域,以提供更全面、深入的业绩衡量。在提供的文档中,BSC绩效考核指标主要分为两大类:财务类和客户类。 1. 财务类指标: - 部门费用的实际与预算比较:如项目研究开发费用、课题费用、招聘费用、培训费用和新产品研发费用,均通过实际支出与计划预算的百分比来衡量,这反映了部门在成本控制上的效率。 - 经营利润指标:如承保利润、赔付率和理赔统计,这些涉及保险公司的核心盈利能力和风险管理水平。 - 人力成本和保费收益:如人力成本与计划的比例,以及标准保费、附加佣金、续期推动费用等与预算的对比,评估业务运营和盈利能力。 - 财务效率:包括管理费用、销售费用和投资回报率,如净投资收益率、销售目标达成率等,反映公司的财务健康状况和经营效率。 2. 客户类指标: - 客户满意度:通过包装水平客户满意度调研,了解产品和服务的质量和客户体验。 - 市场表现:通过市场销售月报和市场份额,衡量公司在市场中的竞争地位和销售业绩。 - 服务指标:如新契约标保完成度、续保率和出租率,体现客户服务质量和客户忠诚度。 - 品牌和市场知名度:通过问卷调查、公众媒体反馈和总公司级评价来评估品牌影响力和市场认知度。 BSC绩效考核指标旨在确保企业的战略目标与财务和非财务目标的平衡,通过量化这些关键指标,帮助管理层做出决策,优化资源配置,并驱动组织的整体业绩提升。同时,这份指标汇总文档强调了财务稳健性和客户满意度的重要性,体现了现代企业对多维度绩效管理的重视。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![python网络编程合集]( # 2.1 用户注册和登录 ### 2.1.1 用户注册表单的设计和验证 用户注册表单是用户创建帐户的第一步,因此至关重要。它应该简单易用,同时收集必要的用户信息。 * **字段设计:**表单应包含必要的字段,如用户名、电子邮件和密码。 * **验证:**表单应验证字段的格式和有效性,例如电子邮件地址的格式和密码的强度。 * **错误处理:**表单应优雅地处理验证错误,并提供清晰的错误消


卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)在手势识别中是一种非常有效的机器学习模型。CNN特别适用于处理图像数据,因为它能够自动提取和学习局部特征,这对于像手势这样的空间模式识别非常重要。以下是使用CNN实现手势识别的基本步骤: 1. **输入数据准备**:首先,你需要收集或获取一组带有标签的手势图像,作为训练和测试数据集。 2. **数据预处理**:对图像进行标准化、裁剪、大小调整等操作,以便于网络输入。 3. **卷积层(Convolutional Layer)**:这是CNN的核心部分,通过一系列可学习的滤波器(卷积核)对输入图像进行卷积,以


"BSC资料.pdf" 战略地图是一种战略管理工具,它帮助企业将战略目标可视化,确保所有部门和员工的工作都与公司的整体战略方向保持一致。战略地图的核心内容包括四个相互关联的视角:财务、客户、内部流程和学习与成长。 1. **财务视角**:这是战略地图的最终目标,通常表现为股东价值的提升。例如,股东期望五年后的销售收入达到五亿元,而目前只有一亿元,那么四亿元的差距就是企业的总体目标。 2. **客户视角**:为了实现财务目标,需要明确客户价值主张。企业可以通过提供最低总成本、产品创新、全面解决方案或系统锁定等方式吸引和保留客户,以实现销售额的增长。 3. **内部流程视角**:确定关键流程以支持客户价值主张和财务目标的实现。主要流程可能包括运营管理、客户管理、创新和社会责任等,每个流程都需要有明确的短期、中期和长期目标。 4. **学习与成长视角**:评估和提升企业的人力资本、信息资本和组织资本,确保这些无形资产能够支持内部流程的优化和战略目标的达成。 绘制战略地图的六个步骤: 1. **确定股东价值差距**:识别与股东期望之间的差距。 2. **调整客户价值主张**:分析客户并调整策略以满足他们的需求。 3. **设定价值提升时间表**:规划各阶段的目标以逐步缩小差距。 4. **确定战略主题**:识别关键内部流程并设定目标。 5. **提升战略准备度**:评估并提升无形资产的战略准备度。 6. **制定行动方案**:根据战略地图制定具体行动计划,分配资源和预算。 战略地图的有效性主要取决于两个要素: 1. **KPI的数量及分布比例**:一个有效的战略地图通常包含20个左右的指标,且在四个视角之间有均衡的分布,如财务20%,客户20%,内部流程40%。 2. **KPI的性质比例**:指标应涵盖财务、客户、内部流程和学习与成长等各个方面,以全面反映组织的绩效。 战略地图不仅帮助管理层清晰传达战略意图,也使员工能更好地理解自己的工作如何对公司整体目标产生贡献,从而提高执行力和组织协同性。


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![【进阶】Flask中的请求处理](,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3pqMTEzMTE5MDQyNQ==,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70) # 1. Flask请求处理概述** Flask是一个轻量级的Web框架,它提供了一个简洁且灵活的接口来处理HTTP请求。在Flask中,请求处理是一个核心概念,它允许