void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback_3(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { if(huart->Instance==USART3)//Èç¹ûÊÇ´®¿Ú3 { USART3_RX_BUF[USART3_RX_NUM]=aRxBuffer_3[0] ; USART3_RX_NUM++; USART3_Delay_time_ms = 0; if(USART3_RX_NUM>(USART3_REC_LEN-1))USART3_RX_NUM=0;//½ÓÊÕÊý¾Ý´íÎó,ÖØпªÊ¼½ÓÊÕ } }
时间: 2023-08-26 13:03:59 浏览: 112
这是一个使用STM32 HAL库编写的UART接收中断回调函数,当USART3串口接收到数据时,将数据存储到USART3_RX_BUF数组中,并增加USART3_RX_NUM计数器。如果接收的数据超过了USART3_REC_LEN长度,则重置计数器。此外,将USART3_Delay_time_ms计数器重置为0,该计数器可以用于判断是否超时。
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { /* Check the UART handle allocation */ if (huart == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ if (huart->Init.HwFlowCtl != UART_HWCONTROL_NONE) { /* The hardware flow control is available only for USART1, USART2, USART3 and USART6. Except for STM32F446xx devices, that is available for USART1, USART2, USART3, USART6, UART4 and UART5. */ assert_param(IS_UART_HWFLOW_INSTANCE(huart->Instance)); assert_param(IS_UART_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL(huart->Init.HwFlowCtl)); } else { assert_param(IS_UART_INSTANCE(huart->Instance)); } assert_param(IS_UART_WORD_LENGTH(huart->Init.WordLength)); assert_param(IS_UART_OVERSAMPLING(huart->Init.OverSampling)); if (huart->gState == HAL_UART_STATE_RESET) { /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */ huart->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED; #if (USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) UART_InitCallbacksToDefault(huart); if (huart->MspInitCallback == NULL) { huart->MspInitCallback = HAL_UART_MspInit; } /* Init the low level hardware */ huart->MspInitCallback(huart); #else /* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK */ HAL_UART_MspInit(huart); #endif /* (USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS) */ } huart->gState = HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the peripheral */ __HAL_UART_DISABLE(huart); /* Set the UART Communication parameters */ UART_SetConfig(huart); /* In asynchronous mode, the following bits must be kept cleared: - LINEN and CLKEN bits in the USART_CR2 register, - SCEN, HDSEL and IREN bits in the USART_CR3 register.*/ CLEAR_BIT(huart->Instance->CR2, (USART_CR2_LINEN | USART_CR2_CLKEN)); CLEAR_BIT(huart->Instance->CR3, (USART_CR3_SCEN | USART_CR3_HDSEL | USART_CR3_IREN)); /* Enable the peripheral */ __HAL_UART_ENABLE(huart); /* Initialize the UART state */ huart->ErrorCode = HAL_UART_ERROR_NONE; huart->gState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; huart->RxState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; return HAL_OK; }
这个函数怎么使用HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_UART_Init(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { /* Check the UART handle allocation */ if (huart == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ if (huart->Init.HwFlowCtl != UART_HWCONTROL_NONE) { /* The hardware flow control is available only for USART1, USART2, USART3 and USART6. Except for STM32F446xx devices, that is available for USART1, USART2, USART3, USART6, UART4 and UART5. */ assert_param(IS_UART_HWFLOW_INSTANCE(huart->Instance)); assert_param(IS_UART_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL(huart->Init.HwFlowCtl)); } else { assert_param(IS_UART_INSTANCE(huart->Instance)); } assert_param(IS_UART_WORD_LENGTH(huart->Init.WordLength)); assert_param(IS_UART_OVERSAMPLING(huart->Init.OverSampling)); if (huart->gState == HAL_UART_STATE_RESET) { /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */ huart->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED; #if (USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) UART_InitCallbacksToDefault(huart); if (huart->MspInitCallback == NULL) { huart->MspInitCallback = HAL_UART_MspInit; } /* Init the low level hardware */ huart->MspInitCallback(huart); #else /* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK */ HAL_UART_MspInit(huart); #endif /* (USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS) */ } huart->gState = HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the peripheral */ __HAL_UART_DISABLE(huart); /* Set the UART Communication parameters */ UART_SetConfig(huart); /* In asynchronous mode, the following bits must be kept cleared: - LINEN and CLKEN bits in the USART_CR2 register, - SCEN, HDSEL and IREN bits in the USART_CR3 register.*/ CLEAR_BIT(huart->Instance->CR2, (USART_CR2_LINEN | USART_CR2_CLKEN)); CLEAR_BIT(huart->Instance->CR3, (USART_CR3_SCEN | USART_CR3_HDSEL | USART_CR3_IREN)); /* Enable the peripheral */ __HAL_UART_ENABLE(huart); /* Initialize the UART state */ huart->ErrorCode = HAL_UART_ERROR_NONE; huart->gState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; huart->RxState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; return HAL_OK; }