时间: 2023-09-18 18:15:33 浏览: 107
nRF51822的 ble_app_hrs的说明文档
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NRF5 BLE_GAP_EVT_PHY_UPDATE_REQUEST is an event that occurs when the BLE stack requests a PHY (physical layer) update from the remote device. PHY is the layer in the Bluetooth Low Energy stack that determines the physical characteristics of the communication link, such as data rate and signal strength. The PHY update request event is triggered when the remote device requests a change in the PHY parameters, such as increasing the data rate or changing the modulation scheme. This event provides an opportunity for the application to accept or reject the PHY update request. If the application accepts the request, the BLE stack will update the PHY parameters and notify the remote device of the change. If the application rejects the request, the BLE stack will continue to use the current PHY parameters.