CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package): By not providing "Findautoware_cmake.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "autoware_cmake", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "autoware_cmake" with any of the following names: autoware_cmakeConfig.cmake autoware_cmake-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "autoware_cmake" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "autoware_cmake_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "autoware_cmake" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
时间: 2023-06-19 20:09:35 浏览: 578
这个错误提示是在使用 CMake 构建项目时出现的。提示中说缺少名为 "Findautoware_cmake.cmake" 的文件,因此 CMake 无法找到 "autoware_cmake" 这个包的配置文件。
1. 确保安装了 "autoware_cmake" 这个包,并且已经正确安装。
2. 将 "autoware_cmake" 的安装路径添加到 CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH 环境变量中,或者将 "autoware_cmake_DIR" 设置为包含上述文件之一的目录。
3. 如果 "autoware_cmake" 提供了单独的开发包或 SDK,请确保已经正确安装。
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (find_package): By not providing "FindOpenCV.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV", but CMake did not find one.
这个错误是因为 CMake 在查找 OpenCV 时找不到对应的 `FindOpenCV.cmake` 文件,需要将该文件添加到 CMake 的模块路径中。
1. 确认 OpenCV 是否已经正确安装并配置好了环境变量,如果没有安装,可以先下载并安装 OpenCV。
2. 将 `FindOpenCV.cmake` 文件复制到 CMake 的模块路径中。该文件通常位于 OpenCV 安装目录下的 `share/OpenCV` 目录中,可以将其复制到系统的 CMake 模块路径中,通常是 `/usr/share/cmake/Modules` 目录,或者将其复制到项目的根目录下。
3. 在项目的 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件中添加以下语句,将刚才复制的 `FindOpenCV.cmake` 文件所在的目录添加到 CMake 的模块路径中:
set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} /path/to/FindOpenCV.cmake)
其中 `/path/to/FindOpenCV.cmake` 为 `FindOpenCV.cmake` 文件所在的路径。
4. 在 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件中添加以下语句,告诉 CMake 查找和链接 OpenCV 库:
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your_target ${OpenCV_LIBS})
其中 `your_target` 是你的项目名,`OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS` 和 `OpenCV_LIBS` 是 CMake 查找到的 OpenCV 库的路径和库文件名。
操作完毕之后CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:6 (find_package): By not providing "Findlibsoup.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "libsoup", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "libsoup" with any of the following names: libsoupConfig.cmake libsoup-config.cmake
1. 在CMakeLists.txt文件中添加以下代码:
2. 在CMakeLists.txt文件中手动添加对libsoup库的引用,例如:
find_library(LIBSOUP libsoup-2.4)
target_link_libraries(your_target ${LIBSOUP_LIBRARIES})
sudo apt-get install libsoup2.4-dev