user_bp1 = Blueprint('user',__name__,url_prefix='/user') NameError: name 'Blueprint' is not defined
时间: 2024-01-04 22:02:17 浏览: 166
flask_database_blueprint:基本的模块化python flask数据库蓝图
This error message indicates that the `Blueprint` object has not been imported in your Python script.
To fix this error, you need to import the `Blueprint` object from the `flask` package by adding the following import statement at the top of your Python script:
from flask import Blueprint
Then you can create a new blueprint object as follows:
user_bp1 = Blueprint('user', __name__, url_prefix='/user')
Make sure that the `flask` package is installed in your Python environment. You can install it using pip:
pip install flask
After installing the `flask` package and importing the `Blueprint` object, the `NameError` should be resolved.