c设计人员类Person和日期类date,人员类派生出学生类student和教师类Teacher. 教师类包含姓名、生日、ID、专业、所属机构 学生类包含姓名、ID、成绩、生日 教师类与学生类的数据成员birthday (生日) 为日期类的对象文字说明创建学生类对象时,构造函数的调用顺序,以及程序运行结束时析构函数的调用顺序 运行结果: Name:kxiong Birthday:1976-05-27 Student ID:2023007Student Score:92 The basic information: 2023007 kxiong 92 1976-05-27 Name:xsong Birthday:1998-01-07 Teacher ID:20210058 Teaching Major:Computer Science Affiliation:CTBU The basic information: 20210058 xsong 1976-05-27 Computer Science CTBU

时间: 2024-02-25 19:52:05 浏览: 15
好的,我理解了你的问题。下面是对应的代码,你可以参考一下: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Date { public: Date(int year, int month, int day) : year(year), month(month), day(day) {} void display() { cout << year << "-" << month << "-" << day << endl; } private: int year, month, day; }; class Person { public: Person(string name, Date birthday) : name(name), birthday(birthday) { cout << "Person constructor called." << endl; } ~Person() { cout << "Person destructor called." << endl; } protected: string name; Date birthday; }; class Student : public Person { public: Student(string name, int id, int score, Date birthday) : Person(name, birthday), id(id), score(score) { cout << "Student constructor called." << endl; } ~Student() { cout << "Student destructor called." << endl; } void display() { cout << "Name:" << name << " Birthday:"; birthday.display(); cout << "Student ID:" << id << " Student Score:" << score << endl; } private: int id; int score; }; class Teacher : public Person { public: Teacher(string name, int id, string major, string affiliation, Date birthday) : Person(name, birthday), id(id), major(major), affiliation(affiliation) { cout << "Teacher constructor called." << endl; } ~Teacher() { cout << "Teacher destructor called." << endl; } void display() { cout << "Name:" << name << " Birthday:"; birthday.display(); cout << "Teacher ID:" << id << " Teaching Major:" << major << " Affiliation:" << affiliation << endl; } private: int id; string major; string affiliation; }; int main() { Date birthday1(1976, 5, 27); Student s("kxiong", 2023007, 92, birthday1); s.display(); Date birthday2(1998, 1, 7); Teacher t("xsong", 20210058, "Computer Science", "CTBU", birthday1); t.display(); return 0; } ``` 在这个程序中,我们先定义了 `Date` 类,用于表示日期。然后定义了 `Person` 类,其中包含了姓名和生日两个数据成员。`Student` 类和 `Teacher` 类都继承自 `Person` 类,分别表示学生和教师。在 `Student` 和 `Teacher` 的构造函数中,都会先调用基类 `Person` 的构造函数,然后再初始化自己的数据成员。 在 `main` 函数中,我们创建了一个 `Student` 对象和一个 `Teacher` 对象,并分别调用了它们的 `display` 函数来输出信息。注意,我们在每个类的构造函数和析构函数中都输出了一条信息,用于说明它们的调用顺序。因此,程序的输出结果应该是这样的: ``` Person constructor called. Student constructor called. Name:kxiong Birthday:1976-5-27 Student ID:2023007 Student Score:92 Student destructor called. Person destructor called. Person constructor called. Teacher constructor called. Name:xsong Birthday:1976-5-27 Teacher ID:20210058 Teaching Major:Computer Science Affiliation:CTBU Teacher destructor called. Person destructor called. ``` 可以看到,我们先调用了 `Student` 和 `Teacher` 的构造函数,然后按照继承关系依次调用了它们的基类 `Person` 的构造函数,然后才开始输出信息。在程序结束时,析构函数的调用顺序与构造函数的调用顺序相反。


解释下列代码#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Date { public: Date(int year, int month, int day) : year_(year), month_(month), day_(day) {}; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Date& date) { os << date.year_ << "-" << date.month_ << "-" << date.day_; return os; } private: int year_; int month_; int day_; }; class Person { public: Person(const string& name, const Date& birthday) : name_(name), birthday_(birthday) {}; virtual ~Person() {}; protected: string name_; Date birthday_; }; class Teacher : public Person { public: Teacher(const string& id, const string& name, const Date& birthday, const string& major, const string& affiliation) : Person(name, birthday), id_(id), major_(major), affiliation_(affiliation) {}; void PrintInfo() const { cout << "Name: " << name_ << endl; cout << "Birthday: " << birthday_ << endl; cout << "Teacher ID: " << id_ << endl; cout << "Teaching Major: " << major_ << endl; cout << "Affiliation: " << affiliation_ << endl; cout << "The basic information: " << id_ << ' ' << name_ << ' ' << birthday_ << ' ' << major_ << ' ' << affiliation_ << endl; } private: string id_; string major_; string affiliation_; }; class Student : public Person { public: Student(const string& id, const string& name, int score, const Date& birthday) : Person(name, birthday), id_(id), score_(score) {}; void PrintInfo() const { cout << "Name: " << name_ << endl; cout << "Birthday: " << birthday_ << endl; cout << "Student ID: " << id_ << endl; cout << "Student Score: " << score_ << endl; cout << "The basic information: " << id_ << ' ' << name_ << ' ' << score_ << endl; cout << birthday_ << endl; } private: string id_; int score_; }; int main() { Date student_birthday(1976, 5, 27); //修改学生出生日期 Student student("2023007", "kxiong", 92, student_birthday); student.PrintInfo(); Date teacher_birthday(1998, 1, 7); //修改教师出生日期 Teacher teacher("20210058", "xsong", teacher_birthday, "Computer Science", "CTBu"); teacher.PrintInfo(); return 0; }




由Person类派生出学生类Student和教师类Teacher,并为他们添加必要的数据,为这两个派生类编写必要的构造函数和析构函数。然后编写一个主函数对以上功能进行测试。 包括了很多的程序可供您参考!





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