时间: 2024-01-28 21:02:56 浏览: 78
seaborn.color_palette() is a function in the Seaborn Python library that returns a list of colors for use in creating plots. The function can be called with no arguments to return the default color palette, or it can be called with a named color palette as an argument to return a specific set of colors. The function returns a list of colors in RGB format, which can be used directly in plotting functions or passed to other Seaborn functions for further customization.
The sns.color_palette function is a seaborn function that allows users to create a color palette for visualizations. It takes several parameters, including the number of colors desired, the name of a built-in palette, or a list of colors. It returns a list of RGB tuples representing the colors in the palette.
For example, to create a palette with 5 colors, we can use the following code:
import seaborn as sns
palette = sns.color_palette(n_colors=5)
This will output a list of 5 RGB tuples representing the colors in the palette.
Seaborn has several built-in palettes that can be used, such as "deep", "muted", "pastel", "bright", "dark", and "colorblind". We can use them like this:
import seaborn as sns
palette = sns.color_palette("dark", n_colors=5)
This will create a palette with 5 dark colors.
Alternatively, we can create a custom palette by passing a list of colors to the function:
import seaborn as sns
palette = sns.color_palette(["red", "green", "blue"])
This will create a palette with three colors: red, green, and blue.
import numpy as np import scipy.stats as ss import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns df=pd.read_excel("./tmp_apply1.xlsx") sns.set_context(font_scale=10) plv_tb=pd.pivot_table(df,values="sale",index=["FactoryName","JiJXH"],columns=["Xian"],aggfunc=np.mean) plt.figure(figsize=(300,400)) sns.heatmap(plv_tb,vmin=plv_tb.min().min(), vmax=plv_tb.max().max(), cmap=sns.color_palette("RdYlBu_r",n_colors=256))怎么使热力图带上sale数据标签
你可以尝试在 `sns.heatmap()` 函数中添加参数 `annot=True` 以显示数据标签。此外,你可以添加参数 `fmt='g'` 来控制标签的格式。具体代码如下:
sns.heatmap(plv_tb, vmin=plv_tb.min().min(), vmax=plv_tb.max().max(), cmap=sns.color_palette("RdYlBu_r", n_colors=256), annot=True, fmt='g')
这将在热力图上显示每个单元格的数据标签。如果你想控制标签的显示格式,可以根据需要调整 `fmt` 参数的值。