..\OBJ\OLED.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol old_num_8 (referred from encoder.o).
时间: 2023-11-12 17:19:45 浏览: 130
This error message indicates that the linker is unable to find a definition for the symbol "old_num_8", which is being referred to in the "encoder.o" object file.
To resolve this error, you need to ensure that the definition for "old_num_8" is available to the linker. This could be done by including the source file that defines this symbol in your build, or by ensuring that the object file that contains the definition is being linked in correctly.
If you're using an external library that defines "old_num_8", make sure that the library is included in your build and that the linker is configured to link against it.
..\OBJ\test.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol KEY_Init (referred from test.o). ..\OBJ\test.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol KEY_Scan (referred from test.o). ..\OBJ\test.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol LED_Init (referred from test.o). Not enough information to list image symbols. Not enough information to list load addresses in the image map.
1. 确认在您的代码中正确定义了函数 `KEY_Init`、`KEY_Scan` 和 `LED_Init`。请检查您的代码文件,确保这些函数的定义与声明一致。
2. 确认这些函数在正确的文件中定义。如果您使用了多个源文件,那么需要确保这些函数的定义与声明都在同一个文件中。
3. 检查是否正确地包含了相关的头文件。如果这些函数的声明位于其他头文件中,确保您在使用这些函数之前正确地包含了相关的头文件。
..\obj\text.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol NVIC_Config (referred from main.o). ..\obj\text.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TIM2_Config (referred from main.o).
这些错误提示表明在链接阶段,编译器找不到 `NVIC_Config` 和 `TIM2_Config` 函数的实现。这可能是因为您没有正确包含相关的源文件或库文件。
1. 检查是否正确包含了相关的头文件。确保头文件中声明了 `NVIC_Config` 和 `TIM2_Config` 函数。
2. 检查是否正确包含了相关的源文件或库文件。如果这些函数的实现在其他源文件中,那么需要将这些源文件添加到您的项目中,并确保编译器可以找到它们。如果这些函数的实现在库文件中,那么需要将这些库文件添加到您的项目中,并且需要在编译选项中添加相应的链接库。
3. 检查函数名是否正确。请确保函数名的大小写和拼写与实现中的一致。