score_midpts = np.multiply(vec_x, vec[0]) + np.multiply(vec_y, vec[1]) score_with_dist_prior = sum(score_midpts) / len(score_midpts) + min( 0.5 * oriImg.shape[0] / norm - 1, 0) 什么意思
时间: 2023-12-06 08:43:00 浏览: 145
res jiajiaojie wall group 'one' range id 1 union id 2 wall group 'two' range id 3 union id 4 wall group 'one' facet range group 'one' by wall wall group 'two' facet range group 'two' by wall ball attribute displacement multiply 0.0 ;euler multiply 0.0 ball attribute damp 0.7 calm ;pause key configure thermal def calculate_thres(conductivity_ball) pipe_len_sum= 0.0 pipe_count = 0 loop foreach cp contact.list('ball-ball') bp1 = contact.end1(cp) bp2 = contact.end2(cp) pipe_len = math.mag(ball.pos(bp2)-ball.pos(bp1)) pipe_len_sum = pipe_len_sum + pipe_len pipe_count = pipe_count + 1 endloop ball_vol_sum = 0.0 ball_count = 0 loop foreach bp ball.list ball_vol = math.pi*ball.radius(bp)^2 ball_vol_sum = ball_vol_sum + ball_vol ball_count = ball_count + 1 endloop thres = 1.0/(2.0*conductivity_ball*ball_vol_sum)*pipe_len_sum end @calculate_thres(2.5) def range_fish(vec, cp) range_fish = false if type.pointer(cp) = 'ballthermal-facetthermal' then fp = contact.end2(cp) if # 'two' then range_fish = true endif endif end set random 10001 cmat thermal add 1 model ThermalPipe property thres 1e300 range fish @range_fish cmat thermal default model ThermalPipe property thres [thres] thexp 2.8e-5 cmat thermal apply ball thermal init temp 12.0 wall thermal init temp 12.0 wall thermal init temp -20.0 range group 'two' ball thermal attribute sheat 1015 ball thermal attribute thexp 2.8e-5 clump thermal attribute sheat 1.7e3 clump thermal attribute thexp 3.0e-4 set therm on mech on set mechanical slave on set mechanical substep 100 set thermal age 0.0 set mech age 0.0 def thermal_timestep thermal_timestep = thermal.timestep end set display fish @thermal_timestep def mech_timestep mech_timestep = mech.timestep end set display fish @mech_timestep ;set thermal timestep 1e-6 save 'Model_Thermal-Time_00h' solve thermal age [360] mech aratio 1e-4 save 'Model_Thermal-Time_01h' save 03_thermal
将 czm_material czm_getMaterial(czm_materialInput materialInput) { czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput); material.diffuse = 1.5 * color.rgb; vec2 st =; vec3 str = materialInput.str; float dis = distance(st, vec2(0.5, 0.5)); float per = fract(time); if (abs(str.z) > 0.001) { discard; } if (dis > 0.5) { discard; } else { float perDis = 0.5 / count; float disNum; float bl = .0; for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { if (float(i) <= count) { disNum = perDis *float(i) - dis + per / count; if (disNum > 0.0) { if (disNum < perDis) { bl = 1.0 - disNum / perDis; } else if(disNum - perDis < perDis) { bl = 1.0 - abs(1.0 - disNum / perDis); } material.alpha = pow(bl, gradient); } } } } return material; } 翻译成成cesium webgl2标准
Here is the translation of the code into Cesium WebGL2 standard:
function czm_getMaterial(materialInput) {
var material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput);
material.diffuse = color.rgb.multiply(1.5);
var st =;
var str = materialInput.str;
var dis = Cesium.distance(st, new Cesium.Cartesian2(0.5, 0.5));
var per = Cesium.fract(time);
if (Math.abs(str.z) > 0.001) {
if (dis > 0.5) {
} else {
var perDis = 0.5 / count;
var disNum;
var bl = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
if (i <= count) {
disNum = perDis * i - dis + per / count;
if (disNum > 0.0) {
if (disNum < perDis) {
bl = 1.0 - disNum / perDis;
} else if (disNum - perDis < perDis) {
bl = 1.0 - Math.abs(1.0 - disNum / perDis);
material.alpha = Math.pow(bl, gradient);
return material;