时间: 2024-06-10 13:05:53 浏览: 181
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FillConvexPolygon extends JPanel {
private Polygon triangle;
public FillConvexPolygon() {
triangle = new Polygon(new int[] {50, 250, 150}, new int[] {200, 200, 50}, 3);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
fillPolygon(triangle, g);
public void fillPolygon(Polygon poly, Graphics g) {
// find the y-range
int ymin = poly.ypoints[0];
int ymax = poly.ypoints[0];
for (int i = 1; i < poly.npoints; i++) {
if (poly.ypoints[i] > ymax) {
ymax = poly.ypoints[i];
if (poly.ypoints[i] < ymin) {
ymin = poly.ypoints[i];
// set the color
// loop through each scanline
for (int scanline = ymin; scanline <= ymax; scanline++) {
// find the x-coordinates of the intersections of the scanline with the polygon
int intersections[] = new int[poly.npoints];
int num_intersections = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < poly.npoints; i++) {
int j = (i + 1) % poly.npoints;
int x1 = poly.xpoints[i];
int y1 = poly.ypoints[i];
int x2 = poly.xpoints[j];
int y2 = poly.ypoints[j];
if ((y1 == scanline && y2 > scanline) || (y2 == scanline && y1 > scanline)) {
double slope = ((double)(x2 - x1)) / ((double)(y2 - y1));
double x = ((double)scanline - (double)y1) * slope + (double)x1;
intersections[num_intersections++] = (int)x;
// sort the intersections in increasing order
for (int i = 0; i < num_intersections - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < num_intersections; j++) {
if (intersections[j] < intersections[i]) {
int temp = intersections[j];
intersections[j] = intersections[i];
intersections[i] = temp;
// fill the scanline
for (int i = 0; i < num_intersections - 1; i += 2) {
g.drawLine(intersections[i], scanline, intersections[i+1], scanline);
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.add(new FillConvexPolygon());
f.setSize(300, 300);
在这个示例程序中,我们使用Java标准库中的 awt 包和 javax.swing 包来绘制凸五边形和填充颜色。具体来说,我们创建一个 FillConvexPolygon 类,它继承 JPanel 类,并在其 paintComponent 方法内部调用 fillPolygon 方法,该方法使用边界标志算法来填充凸多边形。
fillPolygon 方法首先找到凸多边形的 y 范围,然后设置填充颜色为红色。然后它遍历每个扫描线(从 ymin 到 ymax),并寻找该扫描线与多边形的交点。这是通过查找多边形的边(由多边形的顶点定义)与扫描线的交点来实现的。如果其中一个端点在扫描线上方,而另一个端点在扫描线下方,则该线段与扫描线相交,并且我们可以计算出该线段与扫描线的交点的 x 坐标。我们将所有交点添加到数组之后,对它们进行排序。然后我们每次取两个相邻的交点并使用 drawLine 方法来填充该扫描线。
要测试此示例程序,请将其复制并粘贴到 Eclipse IDE 的 Java 项目中,然后运行。该程序将打开一个窗口,在其中绘制一个凸五边形,并使用红色填充其内部。