sure. the piece of system verilog code is as below: module inner_submod ( input logic [9:-1][2:0] sub_input, output logic [9:-1][2:0] sub_output ); assign sub_output = sub_input + 1; endmodule module test_top; typedef struct packed { logic [9:-1][2:0] a; } ST1; typedef struct { ST1 st1; ST1 st2[2:0]; } ST2; ST2 st2 = '{st1: {a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}}, st2: '{ '{a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}}, '{a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}}, '{a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}} }}; inner_submod submod1 ( .sub_input(st2.st2[0].a), .sub_output(st2.st2[0].a) ); inner_submod submod2 ( .sub_input(st2.st2[0].a), .sub_output(st2.st2[0].a) ); inner_submod submod3 ( .sub_input(st2.st2[1].a), .sub_output(st2.st2[1].a) ); initial begin $display("st2:%s",st2); end and the error reported by vcs is: Error-[SE] Syntax error Following verilog source has syntax error : "", 12: token is '{' module inner_submod {
时间: 2024-03-17 07:43:09 浏览: 59
The syntax error is caused by the way you are initializing the ST2 struct. Instead of using the '{...}' syntax, you should use the '{...} with {...} with {...}' syntax to initialize nested structs. Here is the modified code:
module inner_submod (
input logic [9:-1][2:0] sub_input,
output logic [9:-1][2:0] sub_output
assign sub_output = sub_input + 1;
module test_top;
typedef struct packed {
logic [9:-1][2:0] a;
} ST1;
typedef struct {
ST1 st1;
ST1 st2[2:0];
} ST2;
ST2 st2 = '{st1: {a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}}, st2: '{ '{a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}} with
'{a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}} with
'{a: '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'b1}} }}';
inner_submod submod1 (
inner_submod submod2 (
inner_submod submod3 (
initial begin
This should resolve the syntax error reported by vcs.