for i in range(len(group) - sequence_length + 1): sequence = group.iloc[i:i+sequence_length][['heartrate', 'resprate', 'map','o2sat']].values sequences.append(sequence) labels.append(is_alive)解释一下
时间: 2024-01-24 17:18:15 浏览: 164
这是一个用于生成序列数据的代码段。假设有一个数据集 `group`,其中包含了一系列时间序列数据(如心率、呼吸率、血压等),以及每个时间点对应的生死状态(`is_alive`)。这段代码通过遍历数据集中每个时间点,从当前时间点开始,取连续的 `sequence_length` 个时间点的数据作为一个序列,并将这个序列加入到 `sequences` 列表中。同时,将这个序列对应的生死状态加入到 `labels` 列表中。具体来说,代码中 `group.iloc[i:i+sequence_length]` 表示选取从第 `i` 个时间点开始,连续 `sequence_length` 个时间点的数据,`[['heartrate', 'resprate', 'map','o2sat']].values` 表示选取这些时间点中心率、呼吸率、平均动脉压和血氧饱和度这四个特征的值,并将它们转化为一个二维数组。最后将得到的序列加入到 `sequences` 列表中,将对应的生死状态加入到 `labels` 列表中。
帮我为下面的代码加上注释:class SimpleDeepForest: def __init__(self, n_layers): self.n_layers = n_layers self.forest_layers = [] def fit(self, X, y): X_train = X for _ in range(self.n_layers): clf = RandomForestClassifier(), y) self.forest_layers.append(clf) X_train = np.concatenate((X_train, clf.predict_proba(X_train)), axis=1) return self def predict(self, X): X_test = X for i in range(self.n_layers): X_test = np.concatenate((X_test, self.forest_layers[i].predict_proba(X_test)), axis=1) return self.forest_layers[-1].predict(X_test[:, :-2]) # 1. 提取序列特征(如:GC-content、序列长度等) def extract_features(fasta_file): features = [] for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, "fasta"): seq = record.seq gc_content = (seq.count("G") + seq.count("C")) / len(seq) seq_len = len(seq) features.append([gc_content, seq_len]) return np.array(features) # 2. 读取相互作用数据并创建数据集 def create_dataset(rna_features, protein_features, label_file): labels = pd.read_csv(label_file, index_col=0) X = [] y = [] for i in range(labels.shape[0]): for j in range(labels.shape[1]): X.append(np.concatenate([rna_features[i], protein_features[j]])) y.append(labels.iloc[i, j]) return np.array(X), np.array(y) # 3. 调用SimpleDeepForest分类器 def optimize_deepforest(X, y): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2) model = SimpleDeepForest(n_layers=3), y_train) y_pred = model.predict(X_test) print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred)) # 4. 主函数 def main(): rna_fasta = "RNA.fasta" protein_fasta = "pro.fasta" label_file = "label.csv" rna_features = extract_features(rna_fasta) protein_features = extract_features(protein_fasta) X, y = create_dataset(rna_features, protein_features, label_file) optimize_deepforest(X, y) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Define a class named 'SimpleDeepForest'
class SimpleDeepForest:
# Initialize the class with 'n_layers' parameter
def __init__(self, n_layers):
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.forest_layers = []
# Define a method named 'fit' to fit the dataset into the classifier
def fit(self, X, y):
X_train = X
# Use the forest classifier to fit the dataset for 'n_layers' times
for _ in range(self.n_layers):
clf = RandomForestClassifier(), y)
# Append the classifier to the list of forest layers
# Concatenate the training data with the predicted probability of the last layer
X_train = np.concatenate((X_train, clf.predict_proba(X_train)), axis=1)
# Return the classifier
return self
# Define a method named 'predict' to make predictions on the test set
def predict(self, X):
X_test = X
# Concatenate the test data with the predicted probability of each layer
for i in range(self.n_layers):
X_test = np.concatenate((X_test, self.forest_layers[i].predict_proba(X_test)), axis=1)
# Return the predictions of the last layer
return self.forest_layers[-1].predict(X_test[:, :-2])
# Define a function named 'extract_features' to extract sequence features
def extract_features(fasta_file):
features = []
# Parse the fasta file to extract sequence features
for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, "fasta"):
seq = record.seq
gc_content = (seq.count("G") + seq.count("C")) / len(seq)
seq_len = len(seq)
features.append([gc_content, seq_len])
# Return the array of features
return np.array(features)
# Define a function named 'create_dataset' to create the dataset
def create_dataset(rna_features, protein_features, label_file):
labels = pd.read_csv(label_file, index_col=0)
X = []
y = []
# Create the dataset by concatenating the RNA and protein features
for i in range(labels.shape[0]):
for j in range(labels.shape[1]):
X.append(np.concatenate([rna_features[i], protein_features[j]]))
y.append(labels.iloc[i, j])
# Return the array of features and the array of labels
return np.array(X), np.array(y)
# Define a function named 'optimize_deepforest' to optimize the deep forest classifier
def optimize_deepforest(X, y):
# Split the dataset into training set and testing set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)
# Create an instance of the SimpleDeepForest classifier with 3 layers
model = SimpleDeepForest(n_layers=3)
# Fit the training set into the classifier, y_train)
# Make predictions on the testing set
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
# Print the classification report
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
# Define the main function to run the program
def main():
rna_fasta = "RNA.fasta"
protein_fasta = "pro.fasta"
label_file = "label.csv"
# Extract the RNA and protein features
rna_features = extract_features(rna_fasta)
protein_features = extract_features(protein_fasta)
# Create the dataset
X, y = create_dataset(rna_features, protein_features, label_file)
# Optimize the DeepForest classifier
optimize_deepforest(X, y)
# Check if the program is being run as the main program
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pandas as pd 读取Excel表格数据 order_data = pd.read_excel("order_data.xlsx", sheet_name="Order Quantity", header=None) supply_data = pd.read_excel("supply_data.xlsx", sheet_name="Supply Quantity", header=None) 定义判断供货量是否满足要求的函数 def is_supply_satisfied(order, supply): if supply >= 0.8 * order and supply <= 1.2 * order: return 1 else: return 0 统计每家公司供货量满足要求的个数 company_counts = [] for i in range(order_data.shape[0]): order_row = order_data.iloc[i, :] supply_row = supply_data.iloc[i, :] count = sum([is_supply_satisfied(order, supply) for order, supply in zip(order_row, supply_row)]) company_counts.append(count) 创建结果数据表格 result_data = pd.DataFrame({'Company': range(1, order_data.shape[0]+1), 'Count': company_counts}) 将结果保存为Excel表格 result_data.to_excel("satisfied_counts.xlsx", index=False) can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' 怎么解决
1. 确认`order_data`和`supply_data`中的数据类型。可以使用`print(order_data.dtypes)`和`print(supply_data.dtypes)`来查看每列的数据类型。确保订货量和供货量的列的数据类型是数值类型(如整数或浮点数)。
2. 检查数据是否包含缺失值或非数值数据。使用``和``来检查数据中是否存在缺失值或非数值数据。如果有缺失值或非数值数据,请处理它们,例如使用`fillna()`函数填充缺失值或将非数值数据转换为数值类型。
3. 确保`order`和`supply`的值是数值类型。在`is_supply_satisfied`函数中,确保`order`和`supply`的值是数值类型。可以使用`print(type(order))`和`print(type(supply))`来检查它们的数据类型。如果它们不是数值类型,可以尝试使用`astype()`函数将它们转换为数值类型,例如`order.astype(float)`。