时间: 2023-05-22 18:05:16 浏览: 257
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
// Motor control pins
const int motor1_A = 14; //25;
const int motor1_B = 27; //26;
const int motor2_A = 26; //14;
const int motor2_B = 25; //27;
const int motor3_A = 33;
const int motor3_B = 32;
const int motor4_A = 12; //13;
const int motor4_B = 13; //12;
void setup() {
// Set motor control pins as output
pinMode(motor1_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor1_B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2_B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor3_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor3_B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor4_A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor4_B, OUTPUT);
// Connect to WiFi
WiFi.begin("YourWiFiSSID", "YourWiFiPassword");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
void loop() {
// Set motor speeds
int speed1 = 200; // Adjust this value to control speed of each wheel
int speed2 = 200;
int speed3 = 200;
int speed4 = 200;
// Send motor control signals
digitalWrite(motor1_A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor1_B, LOW);
analogWrite(motor1_A, speed1);
digitalWrite(motor2_A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2_B, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_A, speed2);
digitalWrite(motor3_A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor3_B, LOW);
analogWrite(motor3_A, speed3);
digitalWrite(motor4_A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor4_B, LOW);
analogWrite(motor4_A, speed4);