PPOCRLabel显示The following images can not be saved, please check the image path and labels.
时间: 2024-03-18 17:42:48 浏览: 390
1. 图片路径错误:请检查图片路径是否正确,确保路径不包含任何特殊字符或空格。
2. 标签错误:请检查标签是否正确,确保标签与图片路径匹配。
3. 权限问题:请确保您的程序有足够的权限来保存图像和标签。您可能需要以管理员身份运行程序。
4. 磁盘空间问题:请确保磁盘有足够的空间来保存图像和标签。
如果以上方法都无法解决问题,请尝试重新安装 PPOCRLabel 或联系开发人员获取更多帮助。
Our experimental evaluation includes the following datasets: CIFAR10, CIFAR100-20, STL10 and ImageNet. The ImageNet dataset should be downloaded separately and saved to the path described in utils/mypath.py. Other datasets will be downloaded automatically and saved to the correct path when missing.
1. CIFAR10和CIFAR100-20数据集将在缺少时自动下载并保存到默认路径中,无需手动下载。
2. STL10数据集需要手动下载,并保存到utils/mypath.py描述的路径中。你可以从STL10官网下载相应的压缩文件,并解压到指定的路径中。
3. ImageNet数据集也需要手动下载,并保存到utils/mypath.py描述的路径中。你可以从ImageNet官网下载相应的数据集,并按照官方指南进行预处理和划分,然后将数据集保存到指定的路径中。
The following files need to be adapted in order to run the code on your own machine: - Change the file paths to the datasets in `utils/mypath.py`, e.g. `/path/to/cifar10`. - Specify the output directory in `configs/env.yml`. All results will be stored under this directory. Our experimental evaluation includes the following datasets: CIFAR10, CIFAR100-20, STL10 and ImageNet. The ImageNet dataset should be downloaded separately and saved to the path described in `utils/mypath.py`. Other datasets will be downloaded automatically and saved to the correct path when missing.,这段话是什么意思