Application of Frequency Domain Feature Extraction in Image Recognition

发布时间: 2024-09-15 05:43:12 阅读量: 27 订阅数: 41

Bionic RSTN invariant feature extraction method for image recognition and its application

## Introduction ### Background In the current digital era, image processing and image recognition technologies have been widely applied across various fields, including medical imaging diagnosis, intelligent transportation, and security surveillance. With the rapid development of computer vision and artificial intelligence technologies, how to efficiently extract features from images and achieve accurate image recognition has become an important research direction. ### Significance of Research As an essential part of image processing, frequency domain feature extraction involves transforming images from the time domain to the frequency domain, capturing texture, structure, and shape information more effectively, thus enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of image recognition. In-depth research on the application of frequency domain feature extraction in image recognition is of significant importance for advancing image recognition technology. ### Objective of the Study This article aims to systematically introduce the application of frequency domain feature extraction technology in image recognition, including the conceptual explanation of frequency domain features, the importance of frequency domain features in image recognition, and discussions on frequency domain feature-based image recognition algorithms. Through an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of frequency domain feature extraction methods and a look into the future, this article intends to provide references and inspiration for researchers in related fields, thereby promoting progress in image recognition technology. ## Overview of Frequency Domain Feature Extraction Technology ### Explanation of Frequency Domain Feature Extraction Concept In image processing, frequency domain feature extraction is a significant method involving the transformation of images from the time domain to the frequency domain. Frequency domain features represent the information at different frequencies within images and can be used to describe characteristics such as texture and shape. ### Application of Fourier Transform in Image Processing The Fourier transform is a method for converting signals from the time domain to the frequency domain, widely used in image processing. With the Fourier transform, images can be decomposed into components of different frequencies, allowing for the extraction of frequency domain features. ### Review of Frequency Domain-Based Image Feature Extraction Methods In addition to the Fourier transform, there are other frequency domain-based image feature extraction methods, such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). These methods aid in extracting information at various frequencies from images, providing important features for image recognition and classification. ## Importance of Frequency Domain Feature Extraction in Image Recognition Image recognition, as an important branch of computer vision, is widely applied in artificial intelligence, medical image analysis, and security surveillance. Frequency domain feature extraction plays a crucial role in image recognition. This chapter will discuss the current status and challenges of image recognition, compare the characteristics of frequency domain features, and analyze the impact of frequency domain features on image recognition. ### Current Status and Challenges of Image Recognition With the development of deep learning and neural network technologies, image recognition has made significant progress.
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