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"计算机图形学(英文) - 由Steve Cunningham编著的一本关于编程、问题解决和视觉沟通的计算机图形学教材" 计算机图形学是一门涉及编程、问题解决和视觉交流的学科,它在现代科技中扮演着至关重要的角色。这本由Steve Cunningham博士编写的英文原版教材,来自加利福尼亚州立大学斯坦尼斯劳斯分校的计算机科学部门,旨在深入浅出地介绍计算机图形学的基本概念和技术。 书中首先探讨了计算机图形学的核心概念。"什么是计算机图形学?"这个问题引导读者进入这个领域,理解它是如何通过计算机程序创建和操纵图像的。接着,"什么是图形API(应用程序接口)?"这一部分解释了图形API如OpenGL或DirectX在图形处理中的作用,它们为开发者提供了与硬件交互的标准化接口。 作者进一步讨论了为什么我们需要计算机图形学,即它在科学可视化、游戏开发、电影制作、工程设计等多个领域的广泛应用。书中的"Overview of the Book"章节概述了全书的结构和内容,帮助读者规划学习路径。 在"Getting Started"章节,Cunningham博士详细介绍了3D几何的基础知识,包括3D模型坐标系统、3D世界坐标系、3D视图坐标系以及剪裁算法。他还讲解了投影的概念,如透视投影和平行投影,以及如何将3D对象转换为2D屏幕坐标。此外,色彩理论、纹理映射和深度缓冲作为影响物体外观的重要因素也在此部分被提及。 在"AbasicOpenGLprogram"中,读者将了解到如何构建一个基础的OpenGL程序,包括main()函数的结构、模型空间、建模变换、3D世界空间、视图变换、3D视图空间、投影、2D视图空间、2D屏幕空间,以及如何处理物体的外观。同时,书中还提到了OpenGL扩展,这些扩展允许开发者利用最新的硬件特性。 每一章末尾都包含问题、练习和实验,以巩固学习并鼓励实践操作。第一章"Viewing and Projection"专注于观察和投影技术,这是计算机图形学中的基石,为后续更复杂的渲染和交互奠定了基础。 通过这本书,读者不仅可以掌握计算机图形学的基本原理,还能了解到如何实际应用这些知识来创建动态、逼真的图像。无论你是初学者还是希望深化对计算机图形学理解的专业人士,这本书都将是你宝贵的参考资料。
2019-02-21 上传
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++ by V. Scott Gordon, John L. Clevenger English | 2019 | ISBN: 1683922216 | 384 Pages | EPUB | 29 MB This book provides step-by-step instruction on modern 3D graphics shader programming in OpenGL with C++, along with its theoretical foundations. It is appropriate both for computer science graphics courses and for professionals interested in mastering 3D graphics skills. It has been designed in a 4-color, “teach-yourself” format with numerous examples and detailed explanations. Every shader stage is explored, starting with the basics of modeling, lighting, textures, etc., up through advanced techniques such as tessellation, soft shadows, and generating realistic materials and environments. The book includes companion files with all of the source code, models, textures, skyboxes and normal maps used in the book. Features: Covers modern OpenGL 4.0+ shader programming in C++, with instructions for both PC/Windows and Macintosh. Illustrates every technique with running code examples. Everything needed to install the libraries, and complete source code for each example is provided and fully explained. Includes step-by-step instruction for using each GLSL programmable pipeline stage (vertex, tessellation, geometry, and fragment). Explores practical examples for modeling, lighting and shadows (including soft shadows), terrain, and 3D materials such as wood and marble. Explains how to optimize code for performance, and use modern development tools such as the NVIDIA® Nsight™ debugger. Includes companion files with all of the code, object models, figures, textures, skyboxes and skydomes, height and normal maps used throughout the book.