java安卓获取mac_如何使用Java代码获取Android移动终端Mac地址 (How to use Java code to obtain the Mac address of Android ...
时间: 2024-03-13 08:42:59 浏览: 50
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
String macAddress = wifiInfo.getMacAddress();
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
how to Adding Functions to NX Menus
To add custom functions to the NX menu, you can use the NXOpen.MenuBar class in NXOpen.NET API. Here is an example code that demonstrates how to add a custom function to the NX menu:
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Get the NX session
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
' Get the UI work part
Dim theUI As UI = theSession.UI
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
' Get the menu bar
Dim menuBar As MenuBar = theUI.MenuBar
' Get the File menu
Dim fileMenu As Menu = menuBar.GetMenu("File")
' Add a separator to the File menu
' Add a custom function to the File menu
Dim menuItem As MenuItem = fileMenu.AddMenuItem("Custom Function", AddressOf CustomFunction)
' Show a message box when the custom function is clicked
Sub CustomFunction(ByVal item As MenuItem)
lw.WriteLine("Custom function is clicked!")
End Sub
' Start the NX message loop to display the menu
theUI.NXMessageBox.Show("Menu Example", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Information, "Click OK to display the menu")
' Remove the custom function from the menu
End Sub
End Module
In the above code, we first obtain the NX session and UI work part. Then, we get the MenuBar object using `theUI.MenuBar`. Next, we retrieve the desired menu (e.g., "File") using `GetMenu()` method. We can add a separator using `AddSeparator()` method and add a custom function using `AddMenuItem()` method, specifying the function to be called when the menu item is clicked.
In the example above, the `CustomFunction` is a sub that will be executed when the custom function menu item is clicked. You can customize the behavior of this function to perform your desired actions.
After adding the custom function, we start the NX message loop using `theUI.NXMessageBox.Show()` and `theUI.NXMessageBox.GetMessage()` to display the menu. Finally, we remove the custom function from the menu using `RemoveMenuItem()` method.
Please note that above code is just an example, and you may need to adjust it based on your specific requirements and menu structure in NX.