时间: 2024-01-30 11:03:59 浏览: 64
Mcnemar's test with mid-p correction can be performed using various statistical software packages such as R, Python, SAS, and SPSS. Here is an example of how to perform McNemar's test with mid-p correction in R:
Assuming you have a contingency table with counts of the two possible outcomes for two paired samples as follows:
| | Outcome 2 False | Outcome 2 True |
| Outcome 1 False | a | b |
| Outcome 1 True | c | d |
You can use the following R code to perform the mid-p McNemar's test:
# Create the contingency table
cont_table <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# Perform the mid-p McNemar's test
mcnemar.test(cont_table, correct = TRUE, exact = FALSE)
The `mcnemar.test` function in R takes the contingency table as an input and performs the mid-p McNemar's test. The `correct` argument is set to `TRUE` to apply the mid-p correction, and the `exact` argument is set to `FALSE` to use the asymptotic approximation to calculate the p-value.