时间: 2023-09-15 15:18:05 浏览: 121
Sure! Here's an example of A* algorithm implemented in MATLAB:
function [path, cost] = astar(start, goal, map)
% Initialize open and closed lists
openList = PriorityQueue();
openList.insert(start, 0);
closedList = containers.Map('KeyType','char','ValueType','double');
% Initialize costs and parent nodes
gCost = inf(size(map));
gCost(start) = 0;
fCost = inf(size(map));
fCost(start) = heuristic(start, goal);
parent = containers.Map('KeyType','char','ValueType','char');
% Start A* search
while ~openList.isEmpty()
% Get the current node with the lowest fCost
current = openList.remove();
% Check if goal reached
if current == goal
path = reconstructPath(parent, current);
cost = gCost(current);
% Add current node to closed list
closedList(num2str(current)) = fCost(current);
% Generate neighbors of current node
neighbors = generateNeighbors(current);
for i = 1:length(neighbors)
neighbor = neighbors(i);
% Check if neighbor is in closed list
if isKey(closedList, num2str(neighbor))
% Calculate tentative gCost for neighbor
tentativeGCost = gCost(current) + 1;
% Check if neighbor is already in open list
if openList.contains(neighbor)
% Skip if the new gCost is higher than the current gCost
if tentativeGCost >= gCost(neighbor)
openList.insert(neighbor, inf);
% Update gCost, fCost, and parent
gCost(neighbor) = tentativeGCost;
fCost(neighbor) = gCost(neighbor) + heuristic(neighbor, goal);
parent(num2str(neighbor)) = num2str(current);
% Update priority of neighbor in open list
openList.updatePriority(neighbor, fCost(neighbor));
% No path found
path = [];
cost = inf;
function h = heuristic(node, goal)
% Manhattan distance heuristic
h = abs(node(1) - goal(1)) + abs(node(2) - goal(2));
function neighbors = generateNeighbors(node)
% Generate 4-connected neighbors
neighbors = [node(1)-1, node(2);
node(1)+1, node(2);
node(1), node(2)-1;
node(1), node(2)+1];
This code assumes that the map is represented as a grid where obstacles are marked as non-traversable cells. The `start` and `goal` variables represent the start and goal positions on the map, respectively. The `PriorityQueue` class is used to efficiently store and retrieve nodes with the lowest fCost.
You can use this code by calling the `astar` function with the appropriate inputs. It will return the path from the start to the goal, as well as the cost of the path. If no path is found, an empty path and infinite cost will be returned.
Please note that this is a basic implementation of A* algorithm and may not be optimized for large-scale problems.