模拟Fe3C结构为一个半径为2.5nm的球体,简单正交单元格组成。 晶格参数为a = 4.523 Å,b = 5.089 Å,c = 6.743 Å。 每个单元格含有4个1型铁原子,8个2型铁原子和4个碳原子。可以帮我实现编写LAMMPS输入文件吗
时间: 2024-09-25 08:13:21 浏览: 60
在LAMMPS(Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator)中,用于模拟晶体结构的输入文件通常包含以下几个部分:单位胞信息、原子类型、坐标定义和潜在能函数等。对于Fe3C(珠光体)这种复杂金属碳化物,你可以按照以下格式编写LAMMPS输入文件:
# LAMMPS input file for Fe3C crystal structure
units real
atom_style full # Use full atom style with positions and velocities
# Define lattice parameters
lattice orthorhombic 4.523 5.089 6.743
# Define the number of atoms per unit cell
dimension 3
natoms 4*1 + 8*2 + 4*1 # 1-type Fe, 2-type Fe, and C
nboundary p p p # Periodic boundary conditions in all directions
# Atom types
55.85 1 # Iron (1-type)
55.85 2 # Iron (2-type)
12.01 3 # Carbon
# Define the initial configuration using fractional coordinates and atomic species
Atoms {
read_data Fe3C_structure.txt # Assuming you have a data file with coordinates
# Potential definition (use an appropriate potential for Fe-C interactions, e.g., EAM or DFTB)
pair_style pair_style_name
pair_coeff * * fe_fe_coefficient.txt carbon_carbon_coefficient.txt # Coefficients files for each pair interaction
# Equations of motion and simulation settings
velocity all create 300.0 1.0 # Set random velocities at 300 K
neighbor cutoff 3.0 # Short-range neighbor list update
fix all nve # Fix for Nose-Hoover thermostat
timestep 0.001 # Time step size
# Run your simulation (e.g., equilibration and production runs)
run 100000 # Adjust this to suit your equilibration needs
thermo 1000 # Output thermodynamic information every thousand steps