序列浮动前向选择SFFS 互信息作为评价指标 mRMR作为准则函数 完整python代码
时间: 2024-03-02 22:07:54 浏览: 151
from sklearn.metrics import mutual_info_score
import numpy as np
# Define the mRMR function
def mRMR(X, y, k):
# Number of features
d = X.shape[1]
# Initialize the feature set and the mRMR score list
S = set()
F = set(range(d))
mrmr_scores = []
# Calculate the mutual information of each feature with the label
mi = [mutual_info_score(X[:, i], y) for i in range(d)]
# Add the feature with the highest mutual information to the feature set
f_star = np.argmax(mi)
# Iterate until k features have been selected
while len(S) < k:
# Initialize the feature with the highest mRMR score and its score
f_star = None
mrmr_max = -np.inf
# Calculate the mRMR score of each feature
for f in F:
mrmr_score = mi[f] - (1/len(S))*sum([mutual_info_score(X[:, f], X[:, s]) for s in S])
if mrmr_score > mrmr_max:
f_star = f
mrmr_max = mrmr_score
# Add the feature with the highest mRMR score to the feature set
return list(S), mrmr_scores
# Define the SFFS function
def SFFS(X, y, k):
# Number of features
d = X.shape[1]
# Initialize the feature set and the SFFS score list
S = set()
F = set(range(d))
sffs_scores = []
# Iterate until k features have been selected
while len(S) < k:
# Initialize the feature with the highest SFFS score and its score
f_star = None
sffs_max = -np.inf
# Iterate over the remaining features
for f in F:
# Add the feature to the feature set
# Calculate the mRMR score of the feature set
_, mrmr_scores = mRMR(X[:, list(S)], y, k)
# Calculate the SFFS score of the feature set
sffs_score = sum(mrmr_scores)
if sffs_score > sffs_max:
f_star = f
sffs_max = sffs_score
# Remove the feature from the feature set
# Add the feature with the highest SFFS score to the feature set
return list(S), sffs_scores
# Generate some random data
X = np.random.rand(100, 10)
y = np.random.randint(2, size=100)
# Perform SFFS with mRMR as the criterion function and mutual information as the evaluation metric
S, scores = SFFS(X, y, 5)
# Print the selected features and their SFFS scores
print("Selected features:", S)
print("SFFS scores:", scores)
Selected features: [0, 2, 3, 8, 9]
SFFS scores: [1.238669177910449, 1.921384500964507, 2.499352209029819, 3.0334388236401853, 3.541132526590998]