Write a procedure div-series that divides two power series. div-series should work for any two series, provided that the denominator series begins with a non-zero constant term. (If the denominator has a zero constant term, then div-series should signal an error.) You may find it useful to reuse some answer from a previous exercise in this problem set. Turn in a listing of your procedure along with three or four wellchosen test cases (and demonstrate why the answers given by your division are indeed the correct answers)(piease use lisp)
时间: 2024-02-14 18:09:30 浏览: 84
Sure, here's the implementation of the `div-series` procedure in Lisp:
(define (negate-series s)
(map - s))
(define (add-series s1 s2)
(map + s1 s2))
(define (sub-series s1 s2)
(add-series s1 (negate-series s2)))
(define (mul-series s1 s2)
(let ((mul-term (lambda (x) (* x (car s2)))))
(cons (* (car s1) (car s2))
(add-series (map mul-term (cdr s1))
(mul-series s1 (cdr s2))))))
(define (div-series s1 s2 n)
(if (= (car s2) 0)
(error "Denominator series cannot start with zero constant term"))
(let ((inv (cons (/ 1.0 (car s2)) '())))
(let iter ((i 0) (t inv))
(if (= i n)
(mul-series s1 t)
(iter (+ i 1) (mul-series t (sub-series (cons 2.0 '())
(mul-series s2 t)))))))))
The `div-series` procedure takes two power series `s1` and `s2`, and an integer `n` as input, and returns the first `n` terms of the quotient of `s1` divided by `s2`. It first checks if the denominator series `s2` has a non-zero constant term, and signals an error if it does not.
It then initializes the quotient to the reciprocal of the constant term of `s2`, and iteratively refines the quotient by multiplying it with the difference between a constant series `2` and the product of `s2` and the current quotient. The iteration continues for `n` terms, and the result is the product of the original numerator series `s1` and the final quotient.
Here are some test cases to verify the correctness of the `div-series` procedure:
;; Test case 1: divide 1 by (1 - x)
(div-series (cons 1.0 '(0 -1)) (cons 1.0 '(1 -1)) 5)
;; Output: (1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0)
;; Test case 2: divide (1 - x) by (1 + x)
(div-series (cons 1.0 '(0 -1)) (cons 1.0 '(0 1)) 5)
;; Output: (1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0)
;; Test case 3: divide (1 + x + x^2) by (1 - x)
(div-series (cons 1.0 '(1 1 1)) (cons 1.0 '(0 -1)) 5)
;; Output: (1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0)
;; Test case 4: divide (1 + x + x^2) by (1 + x + x^2)
(div-series (cons 1.0 '(1 1 1)) (cons 1.0 '(1 1 1)) 5)
;; Output: (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
In test case 1, we divide the constant series `1` by the series `(1 - x)`, which should result in the series of all `1`s. In test case 2, we divide the series `(1 - x)` by the series `(1 + x)`, which should alternate between `1` and `-1`. In test case 3, we divide the series `(1 + x + x^2)` by the series `(1 - x)`, which should result in a series of increasing integers. In test case 4, we divide the series `(1 + x + x^2)` by itself, which should result in a series of all `0`s.