% Grayscale weighted average image fusion a = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]; imf = a(1)*mat2gray(uint8(normim1)) + a(2)*mat2gray(uint8(normim2)) + a(3)*mat2gray(uint8(normim3)) + a(4)*mat2gray(uint8(normim4)); imshow(imf); % Calculation of the geometric center of mass, determination of the effective region imf_bw = imbinarize(imf); imf_bw = imfill(imf_bw, 'holes'); % 填充孔洞 imf_props = regionprops(imf_bw, 'BoundingBox', 'Area', 'Centroid'); % 获取连通区域属性 [~, idx] = max([imf_props.Area]); % 取面积最大的连通区域 bbox = imf_props(idx).BoundingBox; % 获取包围盒 centroid = imf_props(idx).Centroid; % 获取几何质心坐标 % Determine the inner square area d = min(bbox(3), bbox(4)); % 取包围盒宽和高的最小值 x = bbox(1) + (bbox(3) - d) / 2; % 计算正方形左上角的坐标 y = bbox(2) + (bbox(4) - d) / 2; imf_roi = imcrop(imf, [x, y, d, d]); % 截取正方形区域 % Determine the effective area r = d / 2; % 半径 s = sqrt(2)*r; % 正方形边长 x = centroid(1) - s/2; % 正方形左上角x坐标 y = centroid(2) - s/2; % 正方形左上角y坐标 ROI = imcrop(imf, [x y s-1 s-1]); % 提取有效区域
时间: 2024-03-18 17:45:24 浏览: 119
Gray-Image.zip_PByteArray_Refresh_ Refresh_procedure Grayscale