Queue<TreeNode> queue=new LinkedList<>();为什么queue可以和list一起使用
时间: 2023-06-04 21:04:18 浏览: 195
error: cannot find symbol queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
This error occurs when the compiler cannot find the symbol or identifier used in the code. In this case, it is likely that the compiler cannot find the class or interface for either "queue" or "TreeNode".
To fix this error, make sure that the necessary libraries and dependencies are imported and that the class or interface is spelled correctly. In this case, it might be helpful to import the java.util.LinkedList and java.util.Queue libraries to ensure that the queue and TreeNode classes are recognized by the compiler. Additionally, make sure that the class or interface is defined and implemented correctly in the code.
public void levelOrder() { //层次遍历的算法 TreeNode p; Queue<TreeNode> qu = new LinkedList<TreeNode>(); //定义一个队列qu // *********** Begin ************** // ************ End ************** }
1. 首先定义一个队列 qu,将二叉树的根节点入队。
2. 进入循环,当队列不为空时执行以下步骤:
a. 出队队头元素,打印该元素的值。
b. 如果该元素有左子树,则将左子树入队。
c. 如果该元素有右子树,则将右子树入队。
3. 循环结束,二叉树的层次遍历完成。
public void levelOrder() {
TreeNode p;
Queue<TreeNode> qu = new LinkedList<TreeNode>(); //定义一个队列qu
qu.offer(root); //根节点入队
while (!qu.isEmpty()) { //队列不为空时循环
p = qu.poll(); //出队
System.out.print(p.val + " "); //打印该元素的值
if (p.left != null) { //左子树入队
if (p.right != null) { //右子树入队