代码解析:data = np.concatenate(data_list, axis=0)
时间: 2024-05-22 19:13:14 浏览: 165
举个例子,如果data_list中有三个数组a、b、c,它们的shape分别是(2, 3)、(3, 3)、(1, 3),那么执行np.concatenate(data_list, axis=0)后,生成的新数组data的shape为(6, 3),它的前两行对应数组a的两行,接下来三行对应数组b的三行,最后一行对应数组c的一行。
data = np.concatenate(data_list, axis=0)
This line of code is using the numpy function `concatenate` to join a list of arrays along a specified axis (in this case, axis 0).
`data_list` is assumed to be a list of numpy arrays, all with the same number of columns. `np.concatenate` takes these arrays and combines them into a single array called `data`, where the first axis of each array is stacked on top of each other.
For example, if `data_list` contained two arrays with shape `(10, 3)` and `(7, 3)`, respectively, then `data` would have shape `(17, 3)`, where the first 10 rows would come from the first array and the remaining 7 rows from the second array.
input_data = np.concatenate(data_list, axis=3)
假设你有一个二维数组`data_list`,每个元素都是多维数组,其中至少有一个维度为3(如图像数据可能有三个通道,即RGB),那么`np.concatenate(data_list, axis=3)`的作用是将这些数组的第三个维度上的元素纵向堆叠在一起,形成一个新的数组,其长度等于原来数组的数量,宽度和高度保持不变,但深度增大了。
例如,如果你有两个3D数组`data1`和`data2`,它们都有相同的形状`(height, width, channel)`:
data1 = np.random.rand(10, 10, 3)
data2 = np.random.rand(10, 10, 3)
# 使用axis=3拼接
combined_data = np.concatenate([data1, data2], axis=3)
现在`combined_data`的形状将是`(10, 10, 6)`,其中6代表原来的两个数组各自3个通道的总和。