把这段话翻译成中文:Initially, Jordan mentioned that the Pre-Configuration feature was not working, even with both EX920 meshed and connected to the internet. When the testing started I deleted the network and factory reset the devices then powered them off. I created the network in the portal and enabled pre configuration parameters. Powered on the main unit and after a short time the network came online in the portal, we powered on the satellite unit and also came online in the portal. These initial testing show the appropriate behavior. later on, Jordan attempted to recreate the previous test and mentioned it did not work for him, the network remained inactive in the portal. On our next troubleshooting call I followed the exact same previous steps and the network remained inactive in the portal.

时间: 2023-03-06 07:02:56 浏览: 226

use Java to achieve that:Write a program to display font sizes Layout It should have: ● In the top: - label for letter “X” - label for font size value ● In the bottom: - button to increase font size - button to decrease font size Desired final look: Functionality Initially, the X label should display an 18 point “X”, and the font size label should display the value “18”. Every time the “increase” button is selected, the font size of the “X” and the value in the font size label should be increased by 1. Every time the “decrease” button is selected, the font size of the “X” and the value in the font size label should be decreased by 1. Make sure that this does not allow negative font sizes.

Sure, here is the Java code to achieve the same functionality: ```java import java.awt.Font; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class FontSizer extends JFrame { private JLabel xLabel; private JLabel fontSizeLabel; private JButton increaseButton; private JButton decreaseButton; private int fontSize; public FontSizer() { super("Font Sizer"); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setSize(300, 200); // create top panel with "X" label and font size label JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); this.xLabel = new JLabel("X"); this.fontSize = 18; this.fontSizeLabel = new JLabel(Integer.toString(this.fontSize)); this.fontSizeLabel.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); topPanel.add(this.xLabel); topPanel.add(this.fontSizeLabel); // create bottom panel with increase and decrease buttons JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(); this.increaseButton = new JButton("Increase Font Size"); this.increaseButton.addActionListener(e -> increaseFontSize()); this.decreaseButton = new JButton("Decrease Font Size"); this.decreaseButton.addActionListener(e -> decreaseFontSize()); bottomPanel.add(this.increaseButton); bottomPanel.add(this.decreaseButton); // add panels to main frame this.add(topPanel); this.add(bottomPanel, "South"); this.setVisible(true); } private void increaseFontSize() { this.fontSize++; updateFontSize(); } private void decreaseFontSize() { if (this.fontSize > 1) { this.fontSize--; updateFontSize(); } } private void updateFontSize() { this.xLabel.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, this.fontSize)); this.fontSizeLabel.setText(Integer.toString(this.fontSize)); } public static void main(String[] args) { new FontSizer(); } } ``` This Java program creates a window with a label for the letter "X" and a label for the font size value. It also has two buttons at the bottom to increase or decrease the font size. The font size of the "X" label and the font size value label are updated whenever the user clicks on the increase or decrease buttons. To use this program, save the code in a file with a ".java" extension and compile it using a Java compiler. Then, run the program using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Write a program to display font sizes Layout It should have: ● In the top: - label for letter “X” - label for font size value ● In the bottom: - button to increase font size - button to decrease font size Desired final look: Functionality Initially, the X label should display an 18 point “X”, and the font size label should display the value “18”. Every time the “increase” button is selected, the font size of the “X” and the value in the font size label should be increased by 1. Every time the “decrease” button is selected, the font size of the “X” and the value in the font size label should be decreased by 1. Make sure that this does not allow negative font sizes.

Here is an example program written in Java using Swing library to display font sizes: ```java import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class FontSizeDisplay extends JFrame { private JLabel xLabel; private JLabel fontSizeLabel; private int fontSize = 18; public FontSizeDisplay() { setTitle("Font Size Display"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(300, 200); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // Top panel with X label and font size label JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1)); xLabel = new JLabel("X", SwingConstants.CENTER); xLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); fontSizeLabel = new JLabel(Integer.toString(fontSize), SwingConstants.CENTER); topPanel.add(xLabel); topPanel.add(fontSizeLabel); add(topPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Bottom panel with increase and decrease buttons JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2)); JButton increaseButton = new JButton("Increase"); increaseButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fontSize++; if (fontSize > 0) { xLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); fontSizeLabel.setText(Integer.toString(fontSize)); } else { fontSize--; } } }); JButton decreaseButton = new JButton("Decrease"); decreaseButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fontSize--; if (fontSize > 0) { xLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); fontSizeLabel.setText(Integer.toString(fontSize)); } else { fontSize++; } } }); bottomPanel.add(increaseButton); bottomPanel.add(decreaseButton); add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } public static void main(String[] args) { FontSizeDisplay app = new FontSizeDisplay(); app.setVisible(true); } } ``` In this program, we create a JFrame window with a BorderLayout layout. In the center of the window, we create a top panel with X label and font size label, and a bottom panel with increase and decrease buttons. The X label is initially set to font size 18, and the font size label displays the value "18". The increase and decrease buttons have action listeners that update the font size of the X label and the value in the font size label. We also make sure that the font size does not become negative. When you run this program, you should see a window with an X label and a font size label in the center, and increase and decrease buttons at the bottom. Clicking the increase button will increase the font size of the X label and the value in the font size label by 1, and clicking the decrease button will decrease the font size by 1.


Create a function pixel_flip(lst, orig_lst, budget, results, i=0) that uses recursion to generate all possible new unique images from the input orig_lst, following these rules: • The input lst is the current list being processed. Initially, this will be the same as orig_lst which is the original flattened image. • The input budget represents the number of pixels that can still be flipped. When the budget reaches 0, no more pixels can be flipped. • The input results is a list of resulting flattened images with flipped pixels. Initially, this will be an empty list. • The input i represents the index of the pixel being processed, by default set to 0, which is used to drive the recursive function towards its base case (i.e., initially starting from i=0). At termination of the function, the argument results should contain all possibilities of the input orig_lst by only flipping pixels from 0 to 1 under both the budget and the adjacency constraints. fill code at #TODO def pixel_flip(lst: list[int], orig_lst: list[int], budget: int, results: list, i: int = 0) -> None: """ Uses recursion to generate all possibilities of flipped arrays where a pixel was a 0 and there was an adjacent pixel with the value of 1. :param lst: 1D list of integers representing a flattened image . :param orig_lst: 1D list of integers representing the original flattened image. :param budget: Integer representing the number of pixels that can be flipped . :param results: List of 1D lists of integers representing all possibilities of flipped arrays, initially empty. :param i: Integer representing the index of the pixel in question. :return: None. """ #TODO

Robert is a famous engineer. One day he was given a task by his boss. The background of the task was the following: Given a map consisting of square blocks. There were three kinds of blocks: Wall, Grass, and Empty. His boss wanted to place as many robots as possible in the map. Each robot held a laser weapon which could shoot to four directions (north, east, south, west) simultaneously. A robot had to stay at the block where it was initially placed all the time and to keep firing all the time. The laser beams certainly could pass the grid of Grass, but could not pass the grid of Wall. A robot could only be placed in an Empty block. Surely the boss would not want to see one robot hurting another. In other words, two robots must not be placed in one line (horizontally or vertically) unless there is a Wall between them. Now that you are such a smart programmer and one of Robert's best friends, He is asking you to help him solving this problem. That is, given the description of a map, compute the maximum number of robots that can be placed in the map. Input The first line contains an integer T (<= 11) which is the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains two integers m and n (1<= m, n <=50) which are the row and column sizes of the map. Then m lines follow, each contains n characters of '#', '', or 'o' which represent Wall, Grass, and Empty, respectively. Output For each test case, first output the case number in one line, in the format: "Case :id" where id is the test case number, counting from 1. In the second line just output the maximum number of robots that can be placed in that map.

7.3.1 Suzuki–Kasami Algorithm This algorithm is defined for a completely connected network of processes. It assumes that initially an arbitrary process has the token. A process i that does not have the token but wants to enter its CS broadcasts a request (i, num), where num is sequence number of that request. The algorithm guarantees that eventually process i receives the token. Every process i maintains an array req[0.. n − 1] of integers, where req[j] designates the sequence number of the latest request received from process j. Note that although every process receives a request, only one process (which currently has the token) can grant the token. As a result, some pending requests become stale or outdated. An important issue in this algorithm is to identify and discard these stale requests. To accomplish this, each process uses the following two additional data structures that are passed on with the token by its current holder: • An array last[0.. n − 1] of integers, where last[k] = r implies that during its last visit to its CS, process k has completed its rth trip • A queue Q containing the identifiers of processes with pending requests When a process i receives a request with a sequence number num from process k, it updates req[k] to max(req[k], num), so that req[k] now represents the most recent request from process k. A process holding the token must guarantee (before passing it to another process) that its Q contains the most recent requests. To satisfy this requirement, when a process i receives a token from another process, it executes the following steps: • It copies its num into last[i]. • For each process k, process i retains process k’s name in its local queue Q only if 1 + last[k] = req[k] (this establishes that the request from process k is a recent one). • Process i completes the execution of its CS codes. • If Q is nonempty, then it forwards the token to the process at the head of Q after deleting its entry. To enter the CS, a process sends (n − 1) requests and receives one message containing the token. The total number of messages required to complete one visit to its CS is thus (n − 1) + 1 = n. Readers are referred to [SK85] for a proof of this algorithm理解Suzuki-Kasami算法,并回答如下问题: 算法是如何辨别和丢弃过时的请求的,或者说为什么要求1 + last[k] = req[k]?




Notepad++ NppExport插件,包含win32 和 x64 两个版本。


建立点击按钮 如果需要创建用鼠标单击或触摸(当使用触摸屏时)时可立即执行操作的对象链接,您可以使用“触动按钮触动链接”。这些操作可以是改变离散值离散值离散值离散值、执行动作脚本动作脚本动作脚本动作脚本,显示窗口或隐藏窗口命令。下面是四种触动按钮链接类型: 触动按钮 描述 离散值 用于将任何对象或符号设置成用于控制离散标记名状态的按钮。按钮动作可以是设置、重置、切换、瞬间打开(直接)和瞬间关闭(取反)类型。 动作 允许任何对象、符号或按钮链接最多三种不同的动作脚本:按下时、按下期间和释放时。动作脚本可用于将标记名设置为特定的值、显示和(或)隐藏窗口、启动和控制其它应用程序、执行函数等。 显示窗口 用于将对象或符号设置成单击或触摸时可打开一个或多个窗口的按钮。 隐藏窗口 用于将对象或符号设置成单击或触摸时可关闭一个或 多个窗口的按钮。



华为CloudIVS 3000技术主打胶片v1.0(C20190226).pdf

华为CloudIVS 3000技术主打胶片 本文介绍了CloudIVS 3000”是什么?”、“用在哪里?”、 “有什么(差异化)亮点?”,”怎么卖”。


5.1 接通电源时的故障诊断 接通数控系统电源时,如果数控系统未正常启动,发生异常时,可能是因为驱动单元未 正常启动。请确认驱动单元的 LED 显示,根据本节内容进行处理。 LED显示 现 象 发生原因 调查项目 处 理 驱动单元的轴编号设定 有误 是否有其他驱动单元设定了 相同的轴号 正确设定。 NC 设定有误 NC 的控制轴数不符 正确设定。 插头(CN1A、CN1B)是否 已连接。 正确连接 AA 与 NC 的初始通信未正常 结束。 与 NC 间的通信异常 电缆是否断线 更换电缆 设定了未使用轴或不可 使用。 DIP 开关是否已正确设定 正确设定。 插头(CN1A、CN1B)是否 已连接。 正确连接 Ab 未执行与 NC 的初始通 信。 与 NC 间的通信异常 电缆是否断线 更换电缆 确认重现性 更换单元。12 通过接通电源时的自我诊 断,检测出单元内的存储 器或 IC 存在异常。 CPU 周边电路异常 检查驱动器周围环境等是否 存在异常。 改善周围环 境 如下图所示,驱动单元上方的 LED 显示如果变为紧急停止(E7)的警告显示,表示已 正常启动。 图 5-3 NC 接通电源时正常的驱动器 LED 显示(第 1 轴的情况) 5.2 关于初始参数异常时的参数号 发生初始参数异常(报警37)时,NC 的诊断画面中,报警和超出设定范围设定的异常 参数号按如下方式显示。 S02 初始参数异常 ○○○○ □ ○○○○:异常参数号 □ :轴名称 在伺服驱动单元(MDS-D/DH –V1/V2)中,显示大于伺服参数号的异常编号时,由于 多个参数相互关联发生异常,请按下表内容正确设定参数。 87






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GitHub Classroom 创建的C语言双链表实验项目解析

资源摘要信息: "list_lab2-AquilesDiosT"是一个由GitHub Classroom创建的实验项目,该项目涉及到数据结构中链表的实现,特别是双链表(doble lista)的编程练习。实验的目标是通过编写C语言代码,实现一个双链表的数据结构,并通过编写对应的测试代码来验证实现的正确性。下面将详细介绍标题和描述中提及的知识点以及相关的C语言编程概念。 ### 知识点一:GitHub Classroom的使用 - **GitHub Classroom** 是一个教育工具,旨在帮助教师和学生通过GitHub管理作业和项目。它允许教师创建作业模板,自动为学生创建仓库,并提供了一个清晰的结构来提交和批改学生作业。在这个实验中,"list_lab2-AquilesDiosT"是由GitHub Classroom创建的项目。 ### 知识点二:实验室参数解析器和代码清单 - 实验参数解析器可能是指实验室中用于管理不同实验配置和参数设置的工具或脚本。 - "Antes de Comenzar"(在开始之前)可能是一个实验指南或说明,指示了实验的前提条件或准备工作。 - "实验室实务清单"可能是指实施实验所需遵循的步骤或注意事项列表。 ### 知识点三:C语言编程基础 - **C语言** 作为编程语言,是实验项目的核心,因此在描述中出现了"C"标签。 - **文件操作**:实验要求只可以操作`list.c`和`main.c`文件,这涉及到C语言对文件的操作和管理。 - **函数的调用**:`test`函数的使用意味着需要编写测试代码来验证实验结果。 - **调试技巧**:允许使用`printf`来调试代码,这是C语言程序员常用的一种简单而有效的调试方法。 ### 知识点四:数据结构的实现与应用 - **链表**:在C语言中实现链表需要对结构体(struct)和指针(pointer)有深刻的理解。链表是一种常见的数据结构,链表中的每个节点包含数据部分和指向下一个节点的指针。实验中要求实现的双链表,每个节点除了包含指向下一个节点的指针外,还包含一个指向前一个节点的指针,允许双向遍历。 ### 知识点五:程序结构设计 - **typedef struct Node Node;**:这是一个C语言中定义类型别名的语法,可以使得链表节点的声明更加清晰和简洁。 - **数据结构定义**:在`Node`结构体中,`void * data;`用来存储节点中的数据,而`Node * next;`用来指向下一个节点的地址。`void *`表示可以指向任何类型的数据,这提供了灵活性来存储不同类型的数据。 ### 知识点六:版本控制系统Git的使用 - **不允许使用git**:这是实验的特别要求,可能是为了让学生专注于学习数据结构的实现,而不涉及版本控制系统的使用。在实际工作中,使用Git等版本控制系统是非常重要的技能,它帮助开发者管理项目版本,协作开发等。 ### 知识点七:项目文件结构 - **文件命名**:`list_lab2-AquilesDiosT-main`表明这是实验项目中的主文件。在实际的文件系统中,通常会有多个文件来共同构成一个项目,如源代码文件、头文件和测试文件等。 总结而言,"list_lab2-AquilesDiosT"实验项目要求学生运用C语言编程知识,实现双链表的数据结构,并通过编写测试代码来验证实现的正确性。这个过程不仅考察了学生对C语言和数据结构的掌握程度,同时也涉及了软件开发中的基本调试方法和文件操作技能。虽然实验中禁止了Git的使用,但在现实中,版本控制的技能同样重要。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


# 摘要 三态RS锁存器CD4043是一种具有三态逻辑工作模式的数字电子元件,广泛应用于信号缓冲、存储以及多路数据选择等场合。本文首先介绍了CD4043的基础知识和基本特性,然后深入探讨其工作原理和逻辑行为,紧接着阐述了如何在电路设计中实践运用CD4043,并提供了高级应用技巧和性能优化策略。最后,针对CD4043的故障诊断与排错进行了详细讨论,并通过综合案例分析,指出了设计挑战和未来发展趋势。本文旨在为电子工程师提供全面的CD4043应用指南,同时为相关领域的研究提供参考。 # 关键字 三态RS锁存器;CD4043;电路设计;信号缓冲;故障诊断;微控制器接口 参考资源链接:[CD4043


霍夫曼四元码(Huffman Coding)是一种基于频率最优的编码算法,常用于数据压缩中。在MATLAB中,你可以利用内置函数来生成霍夫曼树并创建对应的编码表。以下是简单的步骤: 1. **收集数据**:首先,你需要一个数据集,其中包含每个字符及其出现的频率。 2. **构建霍夫曼树**:使用`huffmandict`函数,输入字符数组和它们的频率,MATLAB会自动构建一棵霍夫曼树。例如: ```matlab char_freq = [freq1, freq2, ...]; % 字符频率向量 huffTree = huffmandict(char_freq);


资源摘要信息:"AWS上的MATLAB是MathWorks官方提供的参考架构,旨在简化用户在Amazon Web Services (AWS) 上部署和运行MATLAB的流程。该架构能够让用户自动执行创建和配置AWS基础设施的任务,并确保可以在AWS实例上顺利运行MATLAB软件。为了使用这个参考架构,用户需要拥有有效的MATLAB许可证,并且已经在AWS中建立了自己的账户。 具体的参考架构包括了分步指导,架构示意图以及一系列可以在AWS环境中执行的模板和脚本。这些资源为用户提供了详细的步骤说明,指导用户如何一步步设置和配置AWS环境,以便兼容和利用MATLAB的各种功能。这些模板和脚本是自动化的,减少了手动配置的复杂性和出错概率。 MathWorks公司是MATLAB软件的开发者,该公司提供了广泛的技术支持和咨询服务,致力于帮助用户解决在云端使用MATLAB时可能遇到的问题。除了MATLAB,MathWorks还开发了Simulink等其他科学计算软件,与MATLAB紧密集成,提供了模型设计、仿真和分析的功能。 MathWorks对云环境的支持不仅限于AWS,还包括其他公共云平台。用户可以通过访问MathWorks的官方网站了解更多信息,链接为www.mathworks.com/cloud.html#PublicClouds。在这个页面上,MathWorks提供了关于如何在不同云平台上使用MATLAB的详细信息和指导。 在AWS环境中,用户可以通过参考架构自动化的模板和脚本,快速完成以下任务: 1. 创建AWS资源:如EC2实例、EBS存储卷、VPC(虚拟私有云)和子网等。 2. 配置安全组和网络访问控制列表(ACLs),以确保符合安全最佳实践。 3. 安装和配置MATLAB及其相关产品,包括Parallel Computing Toolbox、MATLAB Parallel Server等,以便利用多核处理和集群计算。 4. 集成AWS服务,如Amazon S3用于存储,AWS Batch用于大规模批量处理,Amazon EC2 Spot Instances用于成本效益更高的计算任务。 此外,AWS上的MATLAB架构还包括了监控和日志记录的功能,让用户能够跟踪和分析运行状况,确保应用程序稳定运行。用户还可以根据自己的需求自定义和扩展这些模板和脚本。 在使用AWS上的MATLAB之前,用户需要了解MathWorks的许可协议,明确自己的许可证是否允许在云环境中使用MATLAB,并确保遵守相关法律法规。MathWorks提供了广泛的资源和支持,帮助用户快速上手,有效利用AWS资源,以及在云端部署和扩展MATLAB应用程序。 综上所述,AWS上的MATLAB参考架构是为希望在AWS云平台上部署MATLAB的用户提供的一种快速、简便的解决方案。它不仅减少了手动配置的复杂性,还为用户提供了广泛的资源和指导,以确保用户能够在云环境中高效、安全地使用MATLAB。"


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