wireFpToComp.re := postStageReturn._1转换为verlog代码
时间: 2024-02-09 16:12:05 浏览: 66
这段代码的 Verilog 实现可能会根据具体的上下文而有所不同,但是大致的实现思路如下:
// 定义模块
module wireFpToComp(
input wire signed [31:0] postStageReturn_1, // 输入信号
output reg signed [31:0] re // 输出信号
// 在模块内部使用一个 always 块
always @(*) begin
// 进行转换计算
re = postStageReturn_1;
该代码定义了一个名为 `wireFpToComp` 的模块,其中有一个输入信号 `postStageReturn_1` 和一个输出信号 `re`。在模块内部使用了一个 `always` 块,当输入信号的值发生变化时,`re` 信号的值也会跟着改变。在这个例子中,`re` 的值被赋值为 `postStageReturn_1`,即输入信号的值。
需要注意的是,该代码中使用了 Verilog 的 `wire` 和 `reg` 关键字来声明信号类型。`wire` 用于声明输入和输出信号,而 `reg` 用于声明内部信号。另外,`always @(*)` 表示 always 块会在任何输入信号发生变化时被触发。
val stageNum = log2Ceil(FFTLength) - 1 val dCount = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(3*FFTLength+stageNum).W)) val busy = dCount =/= 0.U when(io.inValid || busy){ dCount := Mux(dCount === (3.5*FFTLength+stageNum-1).toInt.U, 0.U, dCount+1.U) } io.busy := busy // wires for interfaces among stages val stageIntf1, stageIntf2 = VecInit(Seq.fill(stageNum+1)(FixedPoint.fromDouble(0.0, dataWidth.W, binaryPoint.BP))) // pre-stage val commutatorReturn = Commutator(io.dataIn.re, io.dataIn.im, dCount(0).asBool(), 1) stageIntf1(0) := commutatorReturn._1 stageIntf2(0) := commutatorReturn._2生成verlog代码
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{log2Ceil, MuxCase, MuxLookup, RegInit}
class FFTModule(val FFTLength: Int, val dataWidth: Int, val binaryPoint: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dataIn = Input(new Complex(dataWidth.W, binaryPoint.BP))
val dataOut = Output(Vec(FFTLength, new Complex(dataWidth.W, binaryPoint.BP)))
val inValid = Input(Bool())
val outValid = Output(Bool())
val busy = Output(Bool())
// implementation of FFT calculation
val stageNum = log2Ceil(FFTLength) - 1
val dCount = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(3*FFTLength+stageNum).W))
val busy = dCount =/= 0.U
when(io.inValid || busy){
dCount := Mux(dCount === (3.5*FFTLength+stageNum-1).toInt.U, 0.U, dCount+1.U)
io.busy := busy
// wires for interfaces among stages
val stageIntf1, stageIntf2 = VecInit(Seq.fill(stageNum+1)(FixedPoint.fromDouble(0.0, dataWidth.W, binaryPoint.BP)))
// pre-stage
val commutatorReturn = Commutator(io.dataIn.re, io.dataIn.im, dCount(0).asBool(), 1)
stageIntf1(0) := commutatorReturn._1
stageIntf2(0) := commutatorReturn._2
// implementation of other stages
// output stage
io.dataOut := stageIntf1
io.outValid := dCount === (3*FFTLength+stageNum-1).toInt.U
chisel3.Driver.execute(Array("-td", "outputDir"), () => new FFTModule(16, 16, 8))
其中,`outputDir`为输出目录,`new FFTModule(16, 16, 8)`为FFT模块的实例化。
val stageNum = log2Ceil(FFTLength) - 1 val dCount = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(3*FFTLength+stageNum).W)) val busy = dCount =/= 0.U when(io.inValid || busy){ dCount := Mux(dCount === (3.5*FFTLength+stageNum-1).toInt.U, 0.U, dCount+1.U) } io.busy := busy // wires for interfaces among stages val stageIntf1, stageIntf2 = VecInit(Seq.fill(stageNum+1)(FixedPoint.fromDouble(0.0, dataWidth.W, binaryPoint.BP))) // pre-stage val commutatorReturn = Commutator(io.dataIn.re, io.dataIn.im, dCount(0).asBool(), 1) stageIntf1(0) := commutatorReturn._1 stageIntf2(0) := commutatorReturn._2转换为verlog代码
// Define module and input/output ports
module fft_module(
input clk,
input rst,
input inValid,
input signed [dataWidth-1:0] dataIn_re,
input signed [dataWidth-1:0] dataIn_im,
output reg busy,
output signed [dataWidth-1:0] [0:stageNum] stageIntf1,
output signed [dataWidth-1:0] [0:stageNum] stageIntf2
// Define parameters
parameter FFTLength = 64;
parameter dataWidth = 16;
parameter binaryPoint = 8;
// Calculate stageNum and dCount
localparam stageNum = $clog2(FFTLength) - 1;
reg [log2Ceil(3*FFTLength+stageNum)-1:0] dCount;
initial dCount = 0;
// Calculate busy signal
always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
dCount <= 0;
busy <= 0;
end else begin
if (inValid || (dCount != 0)) begin
if (dCount == (3.5*FFTLength+stageNum-1)) begin
dCount <= 0;
end else begin
dCount <= dCount + 1;
busy <= 1;
end else begin
busy <= 0;
// Calculate stageIntf1 and stageIntf2
always @(*) begin
for (genvar i = 0; i <= stageNum; i++) begin
stageIntf1[i] = 0;
stageIntf2[i] = 0;
// Pre-stage
reg [dataWidth-1:0] commutatorReturn [0:1];
{commutatorReturn[0], commutatorReturn[1]} = Commutator(dataIn_re, dataIn_im, dCount[0], 1);
stageIntf1[0] = commutatorReturn[0];
stageIntf2[0] = commutatorReturn[1];