esp32 控制直流电机的arduino 代码
时间: 2024-07-29 17:01:21 浏览: 251
ESP32控制直流电机通常需要配合Arduino库(如DHT、PCA9685等)来实现,因为ESP32本身并不直接支持PWM信号来驱动电机,而电机控制往往需要精确的脉冲宽度调制。以下是一个基本的示例,展示了如何使用Arduino IDE和FastLED库来控制PCA9685 PWM电机控制器,并通过ESP32发送命令:
#include <FastLED.h>
#include "HardwareSerial.h"
#include "pca9685.h"
#define LED_PIN 0 // ESP32 GPIO pin connected to PCA9685's SDA line
#define PWM_FREQ 50Hz // Set the PWM frequency
// Initialize the PCA9685
// Define your motor pins on the PCA9685 (e.g., A0 and A1 for a bipolar stepper)
const int MOTOR_A = 4; // IN1
const int MOTOR_B = 5; // IN2
const int ENA_PIN = 6; // Enable A
const int IN1_PIN = 7; // IN1 A
const int IN2_PIN = 8; // IN2 A
FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, LED_PIN>(NUM_LEDS); // Adjust NUM_LEDS according to your setup
void setup() {
pinMode(IN1_PIN, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2_PIN, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
char command[10]; // Buffer for incoming commands
int dutyCycle; // Duty cycle value
// Read from serial
if (Serial.available()) {
Serial.readBytes(command, sizeof(command));
// Parse the command (e.g., "forward", "reverse", "stop")
if (strcmp(command, "forward") == 0) {
setMotorDirection(MOTOR_A, HIGH, LOW);
setMotorDirection(MOTOR_B, LOW, HIGH);
} else if (strcmp(command, "reverse") == 0) {
setMotorDirection(MOTOR_A, LOW, HIGH);
setMotorDirection(MOTOR_B, HIGH, LOW);
} else if (strcmp(command, "stop") == 0) {
digitalWrite(ENA_PIN, LOW);
} else { // Handle unknown commands or errors
Serial.println("Invalid command");
// Function to set motor direction
void setMotorDirection(int motorPinA, int motorPinB, int enablePin) {
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorPinA, motorPinB ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPinB, motorPinA ? HIGH : LOW);
int dutyCycleValue = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 255); // Modify this mapping as needed
pca.setPWM(motorPinA, 0, dutyCycleValue);
pca.setPWM(motorPinB, 0, dutyCycleValue);
// Optional: Add code to vary duty cycle for speed control
// dutyCycle = map(some_value, min_val, max_val, 0, 255);
// pca.setPWM(motorPinA, 0, dutyCycle);
// pca.setPWM(motorPinB, 0, dutyCycle);