时间: 2024-05-29 10:09:52 浏览: 100
This code creates a matrix of polynomial features from the input features. The variable "max_degree" specifies the highest degree of the polynomial features.
The function "np.power()" raises each element of the input features to the power of the corresponding element in the sequence of degrees from 0 to (max_degree-1). The resulting matrix has one row for each input feature and one column for each degree of the polynomial.
For example, if the input features are [x1, x2] and max_degree=3, the resulting matrix would be:
[[1, x1, x1^2, x1^3],
[1, x2, x2^2, x2^3]]
def load_cora(): path = 'data/cora/' data_name = 'cora' print('Loading from raw data file...') idx_features_labels = np.genfromtxt("{}{}.content".format(path, data_name), dtype=np.dtype(str)) features = sp.csr_matrix(idx_features_labels[:, 1:-1], dtype=np.float32) _, _, labels = np.unique(idx_features_labels[:, -1], return_index=True, return_inverse=True) idx = np.array(idx_features_labels[:, 0], dtype=np.int32) idx_map = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(idx)} edges_unordered = np.genfromtxt("{}{}.cites".format(path, data_name), dtype=np.int32) edges = np.array(list(map(idx_map.get, edges_unordered.flatten())), dtype=np.int32).reshape(edges_unordered.shape) adj = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(edges.shape[0]), (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])), shape=(labels.shape[0], labels.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) adj = adj.T + adj adj = adj.minimum(1) return features.toarray(), idx_map, adj.toarray(), labels